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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Ahhh...the coarsening of discourse compliments of the internet.
  2. Magic K had me rent this one the other night...we watched it (with more that a bit of discomfort on Dad's part) I watched this on SPIKE Monday night We watched this on on TCM last night
  3. I am guessing that you didn't have that opinion in 2000.
  4. No better or worse than what happened in elections past in Missouri, New Jersey and Illinois.
  5. I do not engage much in the political discussions around here (I don't think anybody here could accurately identify my political thoughts). However, I find this current Presidential campaign fascinating. I know the Democrat powers that be want Hillary to throw in the towel; but, God help me, I want this thing to go to the convention undecided. Can you imagine the compelling political theater that would come out of that convention? Sweet fancy Moses...It would be compelling. The Democrats have managed to take what in January looked like a slam dunk win in November to a real horse race. I
  6. How in the hell did this pass under the radar? Well, I say that the Democratic Party changed. The Democratic Party today was not the party it was in 2000. It's not the Bill Clinton-Al Gore party, which was strong internationalists, strong on defense, pro- trade, pro-reform in our domestic government. It's been effectively taken over by a small group on the left of the party that is protectionist, isolationist and basically will --and very, very hyperpartisan. So it pains me. I'm a Democrat who came to the party in the era of President John F. Kennedy. It's a strange turn of th
  7. More my problem than yours. When I was a teenager, I cared not for the dust jacket...worn and frayed is a good description of my older records. Not to derail this thread...but I really dislike the concept of seeking autographs. I could see asking the artist if he minded if I took his picture, but there is something about autograph seeking that is both awkward for the artist and the autograph seeker. I picture the scene in IATTBYH and I literally cringe at the awkwardness of the moment. And in that scenario, Jeff was incredibly gracious and the lady was giddily star struck. It is my hangup, b
  8. Have loads of vinyl and none of it worth anything. You see, I actually played the records. Played the a LOT. I mean...I have a LOT of vinyl (upwards of 2000 AFTER I significantly downsized in the mid-90's). The original Capitol Beatles catalogue...extremely worn and used. Original pressing of Led Zeppelin (I)...extremely worn. The REM ep...without a sleeve. I buy music to consume...enjoy. I do not treat my music as an investment. Albums, books, and bread...CONSUMER ITEMS. It's just that the bread is gone once it is consumed. Books and Albums continue to be consumed. I have NEVER asked an
  9. Either that...or he's gonna be real disappointed when he starts seeing shows by other groups. The Wilco Show was definitely in the top 5 shows in my long history of concert attendance & (the several) Springsteen show(s) the best.
  10. Being the epitome of the middle aged white guy, and feeling the need to have my every thought immortalized on the internets, I would like to state that, personally, I like the following: Coca Cola Maker's Mark Bourbon Hamburgers World of Warcraft White Guys with Guitars Fender Stratocasters Chevy Trucks Peanut Butter Barnum and Bailey Animal Crackers Aged Cheddar Cheese Rosemary Bread The Ticket edit: I forgot Lost High School Football The History Channel
  11. Meet the new boss...WORSE than the old boss, although he looked like the people he was oppressing...
  12. This April Fool shit is getting really old. REALLY old. The ones that really chap my ass are the ones that are almost plausible.
  13. A little harsh, son't ya think professional newsman? Actually, Mugabe probably gets top billing in the rogues gallery of worst despots in the world.
  14. Lindsay Buckingham is a criminally overlooked guitarist.
  15. Yeah...we're gonna go see Springsteen in a coupla weeks.
  16. By the way...have I ever mentioned that Downtown has, at two separate points in time, given away dogs that I loved?
  17. This could be the start of great things for Zimbabwe or the beginning of a bloodbath... HARARE, Zimbabwe
  18. Band of Horses---alternating between the two releases.
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