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Sweet Papa Crimbo

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Everything posted by Sweet Papa Crimbo

  1. Jeremy Bentham (15 February 1748
  2. This is sad on so many levels. Really enlighened.
  3. Hmmm...I missed this one. Is Obama's uncle Russian?
  4. If it's a temporary lull why'm I bored right outta my skull? Man, I'm dressin' sharp an' feelin' dull Lonely, I guess that's where I'm from If I was from Canada then I'd best be called lonesome And if it's just a game Then I'll break down just in case Oh yeah, we're runnin' in our last race Well, I laughed half the way to Tokyo I dreamt I was Surfer Joe An' what that means, I don't know A dream too tired to come true Left a rebel without a clue And I'm searching for somethin' to do And if it's just a game Then we'll hold hands just the same So what, we're bleeding but we ain't cut
  5. Hamilton Jordan, an important insider in President Jimmy Carter White House, has died at age 63 after years of fighting cancer. As a young political operative, Jordan actually helped Carter become governor of Georgia, then charted the politician's ascent to the White House where Jordan became chief of staff. Here's a good line from Gerald Rafshoon, communications director in the Carter White House, which appeared in an Associated Press story about Jordan's death: "He was a great strategist. He just couldn't strategize his way out of this," Rafshoon said from Washington.
  6. Not a prospect for a comfortable passing... No matter what one's political leanings, this is sad news. Ted Kennedy was the patriarch of an American Political Dynasty. A political Giant. The flawed heir to the Kennedy legacy. That family just can't avoid tragedy.
  7. Listen...I am a huge Wilco fan. But let's get some sense of reality here.
  8. Bruce Springsteen needs to pony up the cash and fix his underbite Neil Young should have laid off the drugs in the 70's...he's officially fried. Plus...get a hair cut hippy Alejandro Escovedo...ok we get it. You're Alt Country, Folk AND Punk. "I wanna be your dog" with strings...cute. Now go write some more great fucking songs.
  9. Highway 61 revisited B on B Blood on the Tracks Holy Dylan Trinity
  10. She certainly was boobalicious last night...can you say
  11. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes. D-man, Magic K, Downtown, all the young girls love..., her son cristobol colon and Toby (my nuclear family of sorts) all took me to dinner tonight. I have always had a tough time with birthdays. It's not about getting older...I actually revel in that. I have this decided negative view of myself that I have managed to combat that comes out in force on my birthday. Today was a good day, but I was not in a good place. Let me take you deep inside my sick little mind...I am now gauging my internet worthiness (maybe even my real life worthiness) but th
  12. Thanks. For some reasons, Birthdays are kinda tough.
  13. What is the deal with these bands with uncomfortable names? Black Kids Silver Jews
  14. To keep the theme of your main gig: Bluebeard's bicycle
  15. Was a three piece ZZ Top inspired band in the 70's with that name. They changed if after several riots at bars where they were playing.
  16. Well...I for one miss LeRoy's presence in the band. It is obvious in retrospect he was on his way out after the YHF tour. AGiB is notable for his lessened contributions. I wonder what the configuration of the band would be if he decided to stay. Would Nels have been recruited? Pat? Would Jim O'Rourke become a full touring/recording member? These are heady days for Wilco. The future seems bright and the band is wonderfully fluent. But I still wonder what may have been.
  17. When you have to shoot, SHOOT. Don't talk
  18. That's the term I have been searching for: Messianic. There is no way that Obama can live up to the hype and hope that has been heaped on his shoulders. He's been touted as the second coming of JFK, RFK, FDR and MLK times two. A lot is being projected on a one term senator. And to quote a famous dissenter to another messiah "They'll hurt you if they think you've lied". (Always did love JCSS...Ian Gillian and Murray Head...)
  19. Ridiculous scene in the Rangers Mariners game. Richie Sexson is a pussy.
  20. You GOTTA like a guy with that much of a sense of humor.
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