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About jaashworth

  • Rank
    A Cherry Ghost
  • Birthday 04/27/1974

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Bentonville, AR
  1. Hey folks, I thought I would post a quick photo of my Tweedy SG now that I have had a chance to restore everything to the original (or as close as possible) hardware: You can see how it looked when I purchased it on the left, and how it looks now after all of my changes on the right. I'm extremely pleased with how everything turned out, and I love the tone, look, and playability of this guitar. My only complaint at this point is the fact that it's tough to keep the guitar in tune, as mentioned by several others in this thread. A little graphite on the nut has helped that tremendously,
  2. I hadn't even considered having a custom truss cover created, but that's not a bad idea!! Sounds to me like you still have permission to buy an SG, so I think you should go for it and bring up that old conversation if you catch any heat! On a related note, there's probably a good reason that I'm not a marriage counselor....
  3. After wanting a Tweedy SG for years and actively searching for a fair deal on a guitar in good condition for several months, I am finally the proud owner of one of these beauties. Based on my first impression, I love the feel and the tone I'm getting out of this guitar. I am primarily a Les Paul guy, so the SG isn't a huge departure for me....but the lighter, thinner body is a nice change of pace. And I love the idea of the tremolo along with the way it looks on the guitar, so hopefully I won't have major tuning issues as a result. I'm looking forward to making this one of my primary guita
  4. Thanks for the setlist and reviews! I had a great time at the show last night, but I agree with everyone's assessment of the venue. Of course, compared to where the AMP was located the past few years (in a Mall parking lot......seriously!!!), this was a HUGE improvement!!! I couldn't help but chuckle and feel a little embarrassed as we walked into the venue past the "Beef Barn", though! By my best recollection, this was my 25th Wilco show going back to the pre-Being There days. And it was my wife’s 8th Wilco show. But the big milestone for us was that this show was our 5 year old daught
  5. Thanks Sarah! We'll have fun regardless....I have seen Wilco from all angles and locations in venues, and it's a great show no matter where you sit. And if I had pulled up the tickets we wound up with in the first place, I probably wouldn't be the least bit upset. But it's tough to have front row tickets staring at you and then lose them due to technical issues!!! I just hope another fan wound up with those seats and not a scalper.... And yes, I can't wait to tell my little girl that she gets to go see Wilco with us this time! :-)
  6. Anyone else have major issues ordering tickets online during the presale this morning? I was logged in at 10 am sharp and pulled up row A tickets for the Fayetteville, AR show.....I entered my payment info.....and then the website wouldn't advance any further. I could click the "next" button (or whatever it's called on that page) over and over again, but nothing ever happened. Kept trying until I lost the tickets due to a timeout, and then tried again....pulled row D tickets....and the same thing happened. I finally called FrontGate's customer service (while continuing to try online) and g
  7. Camp Oswego is the one that everyone forgets. It was in the summer of 99, and it's definitely overshadowed by Big Cypress since that took place just a few months later.
  8. A huge boxed set of all things Big Cypress has been on my "most wanted" list ever since we left that festival and found out that there really weren't any good soundboard recordings because the FM stream they planned to broadcast didn't work as expected. I don't know anyone who was there who doesn't want a huge audio/video set that covers that entire weekend. I am still really enjoying "Joy" -- this may actually be my favorite studio album that they have ever released. I haven't been to a Phish show since '02 (hit over 30 shows between 95 - 01), but after listening to Festival 8 I'm convinc
  9. I was also a little surprised about the lack of older material. This was my first time seeing the band this year (I have been seeing them since the "Trace" days, so I have quite a few shows under my belt by now), but it seems like past tours have had a few more older tunes sprinkled in. I don't expect "Graveyard Shift" or "Factory Belt", but at least one or two tunes from Straightaways and Wide Swing Tremolo would be nice. With that said, though, the slight re-working of "Ten Second News" with Jay on electric guitar was all sorts of awesome on Monday night. And by the way, Peter Brutnell
  10. Saw Son Volt in Fayetteville, AR a couple of nights ago. It was a good show, but I was surprised by how small the crowd was. There were maybe 200 people there and the band didn't even play in the main room of George's like usual -- they played the extremely small front room, and it wasn't even packed. While it was very cool to be about 6 feet away from one of my musical heroes for the night, it was depressing to see such a poor turn out. Are crowds this far down in other cities on this tour, or was it just our show in NW Arkansas? Aside from the small crowd, I enjoyed the show. I'm just
  11. Agreed on the crowd in Fayetteville. I don't know what it is about the crowds here, but it always seems to me like 50% of the people at every show either think they absolutely must hippie-twirl dance at all times.....or they are the typical frat boys who push their way to the front of the stage so they can continue their conversations at an even louder volume. I know that element exists everywhere, but I don't remember it being this bad in other places I have lived. With that said, though, Dinosar Jr were absolutely fantastic. Even though I own all of their albums, this was my first time
  12. The camera crew was also at the Cain's Ballroom show in Tulsa earlier this year -- they interviewed and filmed several of us in line before the show. Apparently they were the same crew that filmed the "Sunken Treasure" DVD, and there were definitely plans at the time to release a multi-city live DVD. I haven't heard much about the projet since that show, though....hopefully it's still in the works. Not only would I love to have a new Wilco concert DVD, but I'm also hoping for a few seconds of Wilco-fame as they show the crowd in Tulsa!
  13. Many thanks for the files.....and double thanks for tagging and sorting them for us all!!!
  14. Thanks for the suggestions. I do have "enable flash movies" checked in Quicktime, so maybe bandwidth is the issue. I'll keep trying, and hopefully it will work soon!
  15. So is anyone else having trouble getting the actual download to work? I get to the screen that tells me to Click to download the Sky Blue Sky Bonus, but nothing happens when I click. I'm running the latest version of Quicktime on Vista Home Premium. If anyone has any ideas (other than "upgrading" to XP...which will probably be happening soon), it would be much appreciated!
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