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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. It Still Moves seems like a long record, but it only has 12 songs. 12 long songs and since this is a jayhawks thread...ready for the flood is pretty good. nothing visceral or too memorable, but great lyrics and i like the under production.
  2. good point about Z. great record cause it's short. as far as ready for the flood goes, i've broken it down into 5 song chunks. makes it more doable. really digging it. both great lyricists.
  3. every time i see a baby on a movie or a tv series i am just floored. anyone who has had a baby would know that many many sacrifices are made by the baby to 'be in a movie'. reprehensible. at the same time, i can only raise my two boys.
  4. welch-rawlings their interplay is subtle but precise. gillian is never just hacking away. it's always in synch and with little notes here and there. great stuff. awesome. actually, those spinal tap songs are fairly good on their own, in an un-ironic way.
  5. great call with neil and danny. pancho and neil have some very nice interplay too. love poncho's little lines under neil's chords. nice.
  6. i think it would be cool if artists put out a tight, 10 song album and then released and ep of outtakes or whatever 6months to a year later. it would keep fans happy and be more product to sell.
  7. good points. i don't get chris robinson working with them? i know they're friends, but really, who could hang out with chris robinson all day much less record an album. as with most albums these days, ten songs would've been enough. it's growing on me though.
  8. yes i'm a horrible person. bob and jerry is obviously weir and garcia.
  9. just got Ready for the Flood. i should really love it. not clicking though. need to work on it a bit more i think. wanna check out salvation blues too.
  10. Bob and Jerry. also like robert fripp with what's his name? oh, and the two dudes in television. lloyd and ?. damn, i can't remember anything right now. been a long day!
  11. man, these guys are just knocking albums out left and right. looking forward to this. liked salvation blues. i also liked My Own JoEllen. still haven't gotten Vagabonds. any good?
  12. http://undercover.com.au/News-Story.aspx?id=10861 this new article says that neil has already been in the studio with lanois. so, who knows. also mentions archives 2 not until 2012. so maybe we will get a new album and 2-3 archive releases in the mean time. i'm hoping for Toast, Homegrown, and whatever live show(s) is next up.
  13. actually, the horse has toured several times since the early 90s. the most recent was the greendale album and tour in 03. also, 01 was an amazing horse tour, especially in europe. or so the tapes reveal. forgot that molina was playing drums with him for a bit recently. fyi, archives guy came on rust list and said that vol. 2 of archives is at least 1-2 years away.
  14. http://undercover.com.au/News-Story.aspx?id=10857_Neil_Young_Heads_Down_A_Twisted_Road another article about Twisted Road album. mentions archives II will be out before end of 2010. i really want to believe this. it could happen i guess. we haven't had any neil product since december. we usually get something every 6 months since the archives broke.
  15. i really enjoy side one of wilson's smile. however, it just has a original cast theatrical production feel to it.
  16. never seen crazy horse. they always came around when i was not into neil. hope he does at least one more crazy horse project. maybe a residency or something. poncho is no longer on the tonight show with kevin eubanks, so maybe he's free. i can see neil ditching lanois after this tour and knocking out a crazy horse album before the years out if the mood hits him. would have loved to have seen the international harvesters! so cool.
  17. yes, it's big sound, yet very warm. love gateway, pat metheny, and some others from late 70s early 80s ECM. their catalog is overwhelming.
  18. good point about the Dan. as far as beach boys go, smiley smile is good too. i don't find pet sounds as enjoyable as those we've mentioned. can't get into dennis's album though.
  19. Ghost is probably my favorite phish album. water in the sky and limb by limb. so good.
  20. i'll be at atlanta too. a very special night for several reasons. my wife and i agreed years ago that the only concert we would pay full price for would be neil young solo acoustic. so here we go! good points about a producer. it's gonna be interesting how this turns out. it's probably gonna be mellow, but roar a bit in places. hearing old black (neil's guitar) with all that swampy lanois reverb is gonna be cool.
  21. i heard it on the radio of all places. very awesome. i may have to pick this up. never been a huge stones fan, but the trailer to that doc seems so cool.
  22. Teatro and Wrecking Ball are great. as are Time Out of Mind and Oh Mercy. Lanois solo stuff isn't half bad either. I could listen to him play that damn pedal steel all day long. as far as neil writing good songs, there is speculation on the rustlist that lanois doesn't just do any old project and as a result has encouraged neil to tour the new songs and then go back to the studio.
  23. http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/;kw=[13193,138765] new album probably called twisted road. produced by daniel lanois. i have always wanted this to happen. we'll see. very excited!
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