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Vacant Horizon

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Everything posted by Vacant Horizon

  1. i love the gaucho album. the song gaucho is great too. also, love sunflower as well as surf's up. good calls. now, is that Eyes on without a net? that is a great live disc. i'm partial to the eyes in the grateful dead movie.
  2. eagles greatest hits I, II little feat i very much enjoy Lawnboy. Coil, Reba, Antelope....they don't make 'em like that anymore!
  3. i would say he is a bit of a tool, but damn the guy is a great lyricist.
  4. well, this is good to hear. i think things will probably even out in the near future. CDs, downloads, and vinyl will be the norm and record stores will stop closing...at least those in big metropolitan areas. however, the days of big record stores are gone. and i bet we'll see more stuff go out of print. Yes! Pat Metheny so who are those ten artists? just curious. everyone seems to have a cannon.
  5. yes, pat metheny is a guilty pleasure however, neil young is probably the only artist i can honestly say i'm a true completist about. i even love is shit albums (landing on water). i am the exact same way about albums! one song wont due. and if the album sux, that's really frustrating. especially with a lot of cool songs from the 70s. i've tried making massive comps, but that doesn't work. sometimes i take it one step further. most of the catalog must be great for me to get into. this is my issue with mark kozelek. the first three RHP albums i can't get into, but the sun kil moon
  6. the short but amazing guitar solo in one wing before the final choruses.
  7. This is Sun Kil Moon's fourth album but only the third of original material after 2003's 'Ghosts of the Great Highway' and 2008's 'April'. Additionally it is the first that is all acoustic, played entirely by Mark Kozelek on nylon string guitar. found this little piece of info at glidemagazine.com. don't know if i want a totally acoustic solo album by mark. that could get boring pretty quick. would miss his riffs and arrangements.
  8. this is me! i'm always hoping something will click. been trying dylan, springsteen, and tom waits for years waiting for them to click. i too am overwhelmed by my collection. over the last few years, i've sold off and deleted a lot of stuff. i want to go back to buying cds, but digital is so damn easy. also, emusic has so much good stuff now. my problem is also completism. i hate having one song by an artist. i like to listen to stuff in the album format. now, if i go back to more cds, finding stuff may become an issue as cds are fast going out of print. i'm a completist with neil y
  9. who are you a completist with? for me it's neil young, gillian welch, and maybe jay farrar and tweedy. i'm envious that you're okay with 'being all over the place'. guess that's the wave of the future and i'll have to get comfortable with it:) you got me Aman. i thought i had written something similar on here. sorry about that. Van Halen it is!
  10. sorry. just projecting my issues i've had a ponytail forever and i'm just damn tired of washing it. so, i need to cut it. ponytail does not equal burnout:)
  11. i'm at a crossroads. the last few years i (like many of you) have been deluged with music and the ease of getting such music. initially, i got excited! (you mean i can just download the songs i like!) only to become overwhelmed. (i really like this, should i have cd copy?) i mean, if someone wants to get into dylan, for example, they find some blog or torrent and dl ALL of his albums. i thought this was a good thing, but i'm having second thoughts. it's TOO much. i don't know what to listen to any more. not to mention in what format. for example, the last two wilco albums i hemmed an
  12. i havent see it yet, but i heard chris talks too much. i can see the burn out thing. jesus, i hope i have my hair cut by 40.
  13. yeah, sold out. wish he would come and play a theater or something with some promotion.
  14. i would say redhouse painters can be broken down into different categories. the first three albums (colorful hill, I, II) are their own thing. they sound like late 80s acoustic shoegaze with lots of reverb etc. songs are okay, but too long for me and no real riffs. Ocean Beach has much better production and a few great songs, but still not a masterpiece. Songs for a Blue guitar is mark finding his RHP voice. all songs are incredible as is the production. could do without the avant solo at end of paper. Old Ramon i see as the first Sun Kil Moon record. focused, riffage, bad ass!! don'
  15. Loved Brent!! what a treat it was to hear a brent tune at a show!!
  16. i think it's ironic that wilco's music has gotten less experimental with the addition of nels. the most experimental was AGIB i would say. interesting to think what nels would have added to the drone. at the same time, it's great nels has a steady gig and has resources to continue his own thing. would love to see a Loose Fur II with nels, tweedy, and glenn.
  17. love Gone Just Like a Train. i need to get East/West. been meaning to for a few years. i do prefer him in a jazz combo context. his other 'stuff' is a bit boring to me. i went up to see him at the 5 spot, but couldn't get in. it was the Disfarmer stuff i believe. i tend to like him on other people's records too. i like pat metheny too. a bit cheesy, but good. also john abercrombie and kurt rosenwinkel. speaking of jazz, i like the idea of ECM, but damn if it's so samey and a huge catalog. this new nels is getting me to take a look at the crypto label a bit closer. btw, i thi
  18. need to check out some of those recommendations. i first found out about nels on Watt's records too. are you a frisell fan?
  19. i wish i would have been! nels jamming for 20 minutes sounds pretty awesome. so, were you a nels guy before wilco? is alex's stuff any good? i find myself really interested in the avant stuff these days. i think melody is over-rated
  20. i have this in digital, but i feel like i'm missing out without a physical copy. i might order through indiejazz.com. seems like a really interesting site.
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