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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Oh and one more..... Notice my bridesmaid on the right, leaning away from the bouquet.
  2. Someday soon I'll be making a website with all of the pictures, but for now.....
  3. Kate, I finally found the CD. I got as far as converting it to mp3 but I didn't get a chance to do a YSI. I'll try tonight!
  4. I stopped reading after "my 13 year old"....is she really that old already????
  5. I would have lasted 5 minutes before going to the cinema manager and demanding that those idiots be removed...and my next call would be to the local news.
  6. I remember this so vividly...I even knew the magnet was going to pull the shopping cart into frame!
  7. Me too. Last year, I think it was TV Land that aired a whole day of his original show's episodes. I watched them all.
  8. Comcast took over my area recently too....they haven't asked to switch my modem from the previous company's to theirs yet, though. It sounds like I'll vehemently argue to keep it if they ask. It works fine with their service. I have an Airport Extreme too. I don't want a new modem f-ing up the works.
  9. When I was at Disney World a few weeks ago, you have no idea how many preteen girls I saw that could have passed for her. Why they choose her to emulate is beyond me. And why any 12 year old girl needs to own a Coach bag (and carry it around Disney, no less) is a mystery.
  10. Speaking for myself, I can tell you why I'm reveling. I didn't give a shit she got arrested or what her sentence was. What really pisses me off is that she (god knows why) is a role model for young girls, and when the judge did the right thing and ignored her status, denying her preferential treatment, the sheriff's department first reduced her sentence for good behavior even though she hadn't served a day, and then sends her home after 3 fucking days without informing the judge. That really pissed me off because it makes a mockery of the justice system. Yes, it is very flawed, but this wa
  11. "She was taken from court screaming" I know this is a ridiculous non-event (or should be), but I feel like a small victory for the justice system has been won.
  12. On MSNBC it says that there were makeup people brought to her house to make sure she looked her best when returning to court.
  13. Any guesses on how much the Hiltons paid that sheriff? I say a couple hundred grand.
  14. The Shit Split is in my iPod and I actually just listened to the Blatz side last week. What's great about the CD is that it's their whole discography, so the Can Of Pork song is on it. I think I have the comp on CD, I'll check tonight. If I do I'll rip it for you.
  15. No! I don't think I've ever heard that. One of my favorite things from that category is the Blatz song on the Can Of Pork comp. Classic. When Jesse forgets the lyrics and Anna takes over....."yeah, yeah, that's it, that's it.....ha ha ha!"
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