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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. OH! I forgot one of the coolest moments....at one of the restaurants at MGM when Al told the waitress he was vegan she came back with a root beer float made with vegan ice cream!!! That thing was CRAZY. I don't think I would go on it over and over but I certainly enjoyed it!
  2. YES! I am a Disney girl at heart, but that Spiderman ride was hands down the coolest ride I have ever been on!!! It's a good thing we bought express passes.....the wait time in the standby line was 120 minutes and we walked right on! But we could only use them once per ride, which sucks, because we would have gone on a dozen more times if it was unlimited! SO true!!!
  3. The last week in a nutshell: -pre-wedding show was so cool. The bar was packed with friends and family, entertained by more friends in bands, including Al. -wedding ceremony OUTSIDE after the rain held off for the entire day! It was a little cold, but only the ceremony was outside, so it wasn't too bad for people. -reception was awesome.....everyone had a fantastic time, and there were no problems or unexpected occurrences, except my bustle wouldn't stay bustled so I ended the evening with the train of my dress slung over my shoulder, which most of my friends agreed was a more "Jen"
  4. Y'know that new Dannon "health" drink commercial with the family sitting in the kitchen talking about digestive tract enzymes called "L. Casei Immunitas"? I just noticed that written out, it's "L. Casei Immunitas
  5. Jerk, no one was supposed to notice that. Total accident. Photoshop, here I come.
  6. Having a great time in Disney World! I had a bunch of pictures emailed to me today but most of them are family. I'm anxiously awaiting the results of my "photo shoot" with my photographer friend, where towards the end of the evening I was standing in front of a dumpster full of empty bottles smoking a cigarette. We did some wonderful portraits.
  7. What, no wedding live blog? Bring your galoshes. Thanks for the good wishes, everyone!
  8. And same to you, Will! I'm not so much stressed (although it is pouring buckets of rain right now and isn't looking good for the outdoor ceremony this weekend), but I'm just very tired. So many details to take care of....so many things to double and triple check.....I think I've mentally checked out at this point. So we'll both have a great time and enjoy the food and music and family and friends, and then get the f out of Dodge for some R&R. -Jen
  9. You have never sounded more intelligent in your entire life.
  10. It's not that much more effort to type "I think" in front of a statement. No, I don't think people forgot to add it, instead they didn't feel like/don't care if there's a difference, and that's what bugs me.
  11. I 100% agree with this. Stating your opinion is a lot different than stating something as fact. I can't stand it when people talk about what they think of music as if it's scientific fact. It's subjective, and everyone hears it differently. But I don't like to be told, in essence, that I'm wrong if I like something you don't. Also, I think it should be obvious to most that since you are posting a negative Wilco review on a Wilco message board, the majority of people who respond to it are going to disagree with you. Maybe if you hadn't stated everything the way you did and actually backe
  12. I thought for sure this thread title was the first line of a joke about Hummingbird.
  13. Fan fucking tastic. The best part is that I was able to hear Harry reciting it in my head. Oh, and screw decorum. Good riddance, Jer.
  14. OK, everyone do a Scare-The-Rain-Away-With-VC-Vibes dance!!!!
  15. Any word on when they go on sale? I'm very interested in seeing them at the Calvin in Northampton.
  16. Grow up and get a real job. You'll never make it beyond your home studio (i.e. basement) doing that stuff.
  17. I just bought one of the new MacBooks too, and I've got Office 2004 running just fine. And it's screaming fast.
  18. Al would have loved that, but we would have been lynched by our collective families upon our return. They've been waiting 11 years for this day and they're more excited than we are.
  19. Yes, and we're not revealing that information. Get back to me in a week. It's nothing weird, we just want a few things to remain a mystery.
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