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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. It's his birthday, I'd cough up the $2.99 on this special occasion!
  2. Oh, if only I could afford this.... ...I'd make you copies on cheap Staples CD-Rs. Happy Birfday!
  3. Happy birthday Greg!!! In exactly 5 hours, Kevin will be taking off for China again....maybe next year when he comes back we can all get together!
  4. I enjoyed the first couple episodes, but only because I didn't know anything about ice roads and I found it intriguing. But I have no love for any of the truckers really, so it hasn't been able to hold my interest. I do love that camera angle looking at the trucks from under the ice though. Too bad they only have one shot and use it in every episode.
  5. I wish it meant something other than sweating my ass off and having no shower to clean up in!
  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YOU NEW YORK/CONNECTICUT/OHIO TRANSPLANT!!! I hope your day was filled with love and presents from your 3 beautiful girls. (Well, 4 if you count the wifey.)
  7. Thanks everyone! I spent my birthday doing something every girl dreams of....I cleaned out the shed and knocked down tile off my bathroom wall!!!! WOOT!
  8. 10-29-07 Iron Horse Music Hall, Northampton, MA Thanks for posting this!
  9. There's a video on the front page of CNN showing the actual collapse caught by a security camera. It must have been so terrifying.....it happened so quickly.
  10. So glad to check in and see that you guys are okay....
  11. First 7", first album, 1/4 of second album. Now, the Descendents never made a bad record. Good choice! What about getting her one of the many books about the early days of punk? Too much sex and drugs?
  12. One of the few times I've been told that instead of saying it myself. Here's the link to the broadcast in case you're interested.
  13. There was a show on local NPR a couple days ago about children's summer reading habits. They said a child can slip backwards in their reading levels during the summer break if they don't continue with the a similar routine as they have during the school year. The librarian (I think) they were talking to reminded people that it's not really what they're reading, but how much they read. You might say "what's enriching about a book on sports", but it's not that they're reading about sports, it's that they're reading period. Pretty interesting.
  14. Ahhh, the Babysitter's Club. I forgot about those!
  15. I was going to recommend The Pigman, one of my favorite books at her age.
  16. I read the Sweet Valley Twins and subsequent Sweet Valley High series and I've turned out perfectly normal.
  17. Benny Hinn/Drowning Pool mashup Now if that doesn't pique your interest...
  18. Adding to Alison's thought that Christmas lights increase the homey feeling, so do a couple of table lamps. Anything you can do to not have to turn on those overhead lights is a huge plus. It makes the room feel more like a home and less like a cell.
  19. I would say that qualifies as a story.
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