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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. I'll have to check again. There is an immensely large possibility that I didn't do it right. When you get a new one do you get some kind of notification?
  2. Dress Blues is amazing. He performed it the last time I saw the Truckers. It's a tear-jerker, and standing 2 feet from him while he played it was almost too much for me to take! Thanks for the info....going to add him to my friend list right now! He's not really 27 years old is he??? And why does it say he's single?
  3. It really is a lot of fun. I find that I lose track of time when I'm playing.
  4. Nope. Is your wireless up and running again?
  5. Is there any news on Jason's record? It's starting to get to Chinese Democracy levels.
  6. Has anyone else bought Wario Ware? I'm hooked. I have Elebits and Trauma Center too but I find I hardly ever play them because when I've got a choice between them and Sports or Wario Ware I always go for those instead. I look like a colossal idiot playing Wario Ware, but it's fun as hell. Who wants to swap Miis? Email me with your number if you do.
  7. I just started a Tiny Diary thread. Let's see if this craze catches on.
  8. Dear Tiny Diary, Tell my coworker to not type so loud.
  9. I love the concept of a Tiny Diary. It sort of forces you to cut to the chase, doesn't it?
  10. How many people here have got one? I'm absolutely hooked. I cracked a remote on the treadmill the first week I had it while playing tennis, and I've got little bruises on my right leg from clipping it while bowling. There were a couple of days where I walked with a pronounced limp after playing for so long over the weekend. I definitely get a workout. I preordered Wario Ware: Smooth Moves, I think it was the first game I have ever preordered in my life, and I've been kicking butt.
  11. Actually, it's get off herion. And what about "build boat"?????
  12. Did you get your vinyl yet? I'm wondering if all the jackets are so "aged".
  13. I got my records yesterday. The vinyl looks better than I thought it would....bright colors, swirly marbled effect. But the jackets and sleeves are SO low budget. One of the sleeves was split before I even pulled it out, and the creases of the jackets are all bubbly. Both of them look like I've already owned them for years. However, all is forgiven.....there are lyrical comic books inside.
  14. I haven't been able to find it yet either. * *hint, hint EDIT: Wow, you people are fast!
  15. That is so crazy. I half-lived with Liam when I was at school there. We almost dated once. ALMOST, I said. I don't really know Sarah but I attended a wedding with them a few years ago. Oh, also, Liam and I are both mentioned in a song together. Next time you see him, tell him you've heard rumblings of the fabled Adventure Crew. And, GOOD LUCK TONIGHT!!!
  16. SHUT UP. Yes, that's Liam! I don't know why I never thought you might know them!
  17. I have a friend who has two kids: Owen and Esme. I also know an Iyla. And I just heard someone in my office say "Clementine".
  18. My thought is that they will be like the child pegs in The Game Of Life. Baby blue for boys, soft pink for girls. In America. Have such a sad time together.
  19. Jeff Leppard is one of the greatest screen names ever.
  20. So you're as much of a freak as I am, ordering one of each color? I don't feel as weird now.
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