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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. I love the movie, and thank you for getting the title song stuck in my head, as it invariably does as soon as I see/hear it mentioned.
  2. But what system are people willing to get shot over? I agree though that it will be the gadget-holics who are going to trip over themselves to get in line for the iPhone. I guess I just know a lot of gadget-holics because everyone I've talked to at work today is going nuts over it. I also agree that it's best to wait until all the beta testers do the dirty work and find the bugs and negative properties. One thing Apple has always been great at is fixing problems quickly (except for the cranky iPod drives, although I never had a problem with the 3 I've owned).
  3. I don't know....with all the features it's like a mini computer. Besides, people drop $700 on a PS3. Times have changed.
  4. That's absolutely the one thing that might be a deterrent for people. I thought that was a typo when I first read it....
  5. Aww, cheer up. Here's an unreleased MC Serch song to help you on your way. [link on top of post] Believe it or not I actually like it. It reminds me of Black Sheep.
  6. It's the OSX powered interface that's blowing my mind.
  7. I shouldn't be surprised that someone has already grabbed all the apple.com demos and put them on YouTube, but I am.
  8. Go to the Apple site...all of those videos are there and they're not compressed all funny.
  9. :rotfl :rotfl As for the 2 button mouse, Apple came out with a mouse a while ago that doesn't have two visibly separate buttons but reacts to which side of the mouse you're pressing on. The webcast of the Keynote will be up in a few hours, you can see the real thing then. Steve Jobs was using it during the presentation.
  10. I was more interested in the iTV and not at all in the iPhone until they unveiled everything. Now I couldn't care less about the iTV and want the iPhone NOW. P.S. I'm glad I wasn't the only one reading minute by minute coverage. P.P.S. It's Apple TV that's $299.
  11. Why couldn't he have been this entertaining in his "rap"?
  12. My grandmother went to school with a kid named Robin Jay Wren. I have some uncommon names in my family: Norma Merle: grandmother Ethel: grandmother (deceased) Nello: grandfather (old Italian name) Muriel: aunt Faith: aunt Kyle: aunt (uncommon as a girl's name)
  13. Those Africa pictures are absolutely stunning. Can I ask what you shoot with?
  14. I know, I know. I still contend that it's a very weird cat name. Although I have a cat named Calvin, so what do I know.
  15. My mom has a friend named Moira, which I've always liked. I already have a girl's name picked out if we ever have kids. But Al doesn't know it yet. Tessa, after my aunt Theresa who has always been called Tessie. And I've also always been partial to Gretchen for some reason.
  16. My mom's childhood friend is named Freddie. I love that! There was a show in the late 80s about 3 or 4 sisters who all had very long feminine names that could be shortened to male-sounding nicknames. I thought that was so cool. In high school the homerooms were divided up by last name. My row had 5 people, 4 of which were Jennifer S.'s.
  17. Wow, really? I saw them open for The Hold Steady a few weeks ago and I wasn't too impressed.
  18. Phew, my choices are still low on the popularity scale. I work with 4 people who have named their daughters Madison in the last 3 years. As a 'Jennifer', #1 name of the 1970s, I can tell you that it sucks to have such a common name.
  19. No surprise here, I've listened to no one else since seeing them a few weeks ago.
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