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Mrs. Peel

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Everything posted by Mrs. Peel

  1. Kyle, that is an amazing backyard. I thought I had seen all your photos but I guess not. I also love the crazy motion-blur of the people on the dance floor! I don't know if I said this before, but your wife is almost as pale as I am! Ah, alabaster skin......
  2. I'm actually really happy it turned out this way. Although I'm so paranoid now, I emailed the guy at the new place to confirm that the date he called me about what the right one. Triple-checking, y'know.
  3. The last time I tried e-vites for a Labor Day party they all ended up in people's spam folders and no one knew they were invited.
  4. I just noticed that the numbers for Connecticut District 2 are Courtney (D) 121,321 versus Simmons
  5. I'm going to have to write out invites on napkins with ballpoint pen once we pay for this place.
  6. I don't know what's funnier: George Michael Bluth or that the doll has the same dress as the girl.
  7. Holy shit, the only other place I really liked in our price range just called and they're available!!!! PLUS, they felt so bad for me that they're giving us the bigger room even though they usually have a 175 person minimum. It's on the water.....it's gorgeous. Plus it's still in New Haven, so no one has to change their hotels. http://www.amarantes.com/ We'll be in the Grand Ballroom: I'm SOOOOOO relieved!!!
  8. In May, I don't want to take the chance of it raining and being too cold. And that's not really what I had envisioned anyway. I'm not like a Bridezilla or anything, but there are certain things we'd like to have a certain way. The place we chose had all of the things that we wanted. Now it's a matter of finding a new place that we like just as much.
  9. Thanks. I'm not worried about the deposits because I'd still want to use the same vendors, so we can just change the date with them and have them hang onto the money. It's more the fact that they've ruined pretty much any chance we have at keeping the date we set, and because of them we're going to have to spend a lot more now. I suppose it's more of a "mental anguish" case. I don't know if there's anything we can do to them for breaking their contract either.
  10. Well, after calling/emailing every place we could find that's not a standard banquet hall, there is NOTHING available in the state of CT for May 19th (or any other date in the spring wedding season) that can accomodate the number of guests we have. Not in our price range anyway. This fucking sucks. We're probably going to postpone it to the fall now so we don't pull our hair out trying to make new arrangements while competing with all the other people who got screwed by the venue. Besides that, I've been told by several people that we're never going to find a place of the same caliber in
  11. It was on CNN. They must have had results from specific areas to know whether it was going to swing back the other way. As for Rell, I voted for her. The only Republican I voted for yesterday. I like her because I'm fairly confident she will remain honest after what happened with Rowland. She's moderate enough that I agree with some of her policies. And look who the alternative was.
  12. Lieberman beat out Lamont, which I'm sure you all knew. Watching the local results as they came in was interesting. At 9:15, it was 48% to 40% with a checkmark next to Lieberman's name. At 9:25, it was 46%-42% with no checkmark. At 9:40, it was dead even at 45% for each candidate. Then it eventually slid back in Joe's direction. In other news Chris Murphy (D) beat 24 year veteran Nancy Johnson
  13. Right now I'm waiting for a fee structure to rent out an aquarium!
  14. Deposit's coming back to us, thank god. We're not getting married in a church, we're doing the whole shebang in one place. If my company thinks I'm getting any work done today they're crazy.
  15. That's looking mighty good right about now.
  16. The place we booked for our wedding called last night....they're closing. Back to square one. The really shitty thing is that we loved the place for its uniqueness and we didn't find anything else we liked nearly as much. We're trying to stay away from the traditional banquet hall thing, which is mostly what's available around here. I'm about ready to elope.
  17. Damn you, VH1, with your 100 Greatest Songs Of The 80s. I've got a long list of embarrassing material that I have the urge to listen to now.
  18. Well......the girl was either on acid or totally insane. But they sounded pretty good.
  19. He's one smooth talker. I bet the guy gave him a discount.
  20. Instead of doing a Top 20 of songs across the entire catalog, I'll pick my 2 favorites from each album. Just because I'm bored. Three Imaginary Boys Meat Hook Fire In Cairo Seventeen Seconds M A Forest Faith Primary Other Voices Pornography A Strange Day The Figurehead Japanese Whispers The Lovecats Just One Kiss Boys Don't Cry Boys Don't Cry Jumping Someone Else's Train The Top Dressing Up The Caterpillar This is when it starts getting too hard to choose: The Head On The Door Kyoto Song Six Different Ways A Night Like This Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me Catch All I Want A Th
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