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Everything posted by benjamin

  1. What lyrics I've 'listened' to on this album.... sounds like Thom's least lyrically vague album yet.
  2. omg... that movie was incredible. quit your day job and go see it today. I'm not a big Pearl Jam fan, but these Eddie Vedder tracks are really good.
  3. Eels - Beautiful Freak The ultimate album of depression for me. It's part of the healing process of any heartache. Radiohead - The Bends It doesn't get much better than this to me. This album takes me to a really dark place that I sometimes enjoy wallowing in. I could listen to Street Spirit on repeat all day. Weezer - (The Blue Album) I will always praise this album. It pulled me from the darkness that is bad high school music. Wilco - YHF Opened the palate wide open for musical exploration The Beatles - Abbey Road My parents only really listened to 'older' beatles. Discovering t
  4. I payed $0, but I'm forkin' out the $80 for the deluxe edition today
  5. Is it weird that the site of physical violence makes me nauseated, however I can scrub in and watch open heart surgery and be amazed?
  6. This album ends really strong, starting with Reckoner. House of Cards is my fave as of now
  7. weird. They are billed as 'Say Hi' for the show i'm going to next week in Pomona.
  8. I will admit that I've only really listened to a double disk greatest hits until recently. I've been enjoying discovering all these great album cuts of theirs lately.
  9. Did they ever use the children's choir in any of the songs?
  10. Say Hi (Formerly Say Hi To Your Mom) - The Wishes and The Glitch
  11. Wow... today must have crashed www.ateaseweb.com where the largest Radiohead fan forum is...
  12. I love it I love it I love it. I like to kick, punch, and then kick again... 2nd spin at work right now. I'm a fan. It's definitely on the more ambient side at timeS. I love finally having a studio version of Nude (aka Big Ideas). I really dig the new Reckoner but I'm a bit disappointed that the rockin' version of it didn't make the cut. Sounds like Thom is still listening to the Aphex Twins nowadays with 15 Step.
  13. Did I hear a Band of Horses song during the show tonight?
  14. Still diggin this.... especially the closing track "situation"
  15. Saw them 2x recently. Once opening for the flaming lips and the 2nd opening up for Kings Of Leon. I really enjoyed their sound. Recommended
  16. RH could release a 45 of 'row row row your boat' and I'd pay $60 for it. Damn my fanatical ways.
  17. Get him a trench coat, jeans, white tennis shoes, a clash tshirt, and a boombox and he can be Lloyd Dobler. hmmmmm..... i think i'm going to do that now
  18. Guam. If you ever get the chance to go to Guam...... Stay at home.
  19. True.... but I know what Rex is capable of doing. Griese had flashes of being decent with Denver.
  20. !!! - Louden Up Now going to see them tonight
  21. Damn it. Right before the Lions too. I thought we'd have a decent chance with Rex in.
  22. OMG!! I saw that guy on a harley this morning!
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