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Everything posted by benjamin

  1. oh no you didn't!?!?!?!?! hopefully that changes this year. I heard the Lioin shut down ford field last year midseason. Apparently there was a potentially hazardous rare white powdery substance on the field. Turns out it was the endzone.
  2. Tomlinson and Gates is were my moolah is! I'd love to see that TD connection again & again & again.
  3. Sorry you and your loved ones went through all that. So happy it's settled though, and I hope you can rest easier now.
  4. I'm really crossing my fingers that an A+ recording of this shows up
  5. Those 2 episodes were great last night. I couldn't stop laughing!!! Maybe the best well written comedy on tv.
  6. If that writer was so concerned about the ethics of boobs, why wasn't he concerned about the ethics of booze (Southern Comfort Festival)? From what I recall those images up on the screen are not done in a deviant distasteful sexual manner. Didn't hippies preach about peace, love, and understanding? I think it's fairly obvious that they didn't see breasts (wonderful glorious breasts) as being offensive.
  7. Were you at the 09/11/07 show? I was at that one. I have a review of it coming soon.
  8. So envious and jealous of all that attended. Monster of a show!
  9. How is that? I was thinking about picking it up but I was disappointed it didn't have the song from the film Rocket Science. Only way I could find to get that song was to buy the whole album on itunes. Not spending $10 to get one song I want.
  10. hmmm. ... but i enjoy my hypertension and my angina like symptoms
  11. prove it. show me that EVERY team does it. or are you just going on hear say?
  12. that's a sweet cheaties box pic! maybe now we see why Randy Moss had such a great game. cheaters! maybe they'll be on that tv show 'cheaters' now?
  13. wow.... they were incredible last night
  14. Getting prepared for tonight!!!! Whoo hooo! I've never seen spoon. So excited! NP selected tracks from &
  15. I really enjoyed. Relaxing way to start work on a Monday
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