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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Stipe, Mills, Tweedy and Kotche I wonder if they reminised about the 1999 tour* *Well not Glenn
  2. Sean Lennon can shred..good band. Tame Impala great, high energy crowd ate it up! Lips got on at 11..I stayed for 45 minutes..same show I saw earlier in the tour...my interest in the lips is def "Wayne"ing ha ha! Umm light show was still spectacular. Setlist was awful!
  3. Humph..I am going mostly for Tame I lost interest in Lips recently..just was curious.
  4. A combo for the ages tonight Ghost of a Sabor Tooth Tiger (Sean Lennon), Tame Impala and Flaming Lips
  5. Awesome! Glad you enjoyed it! If you do decide to delve into their albums get ageatis () or takk and turn it up loud or wear headphones! It's is wonderful!
  6. Want to hear your reviews for both...Just saw Sigur in Philly..Jonsi's live voice and tone on guitar is bonkers..
  7. Ok just want to make sure you got the proper credit
  8. What else can I say! Great work again! Are you Dana Yavin? Hope that is you or someone jacked your photo's on Brooklyn Vegan the one of Dave Matthews looks identical.. http://www.brooklynvegan.com/archives/2013/09/farm_aid_2013_i.html http://www.brooklynvegan.com/img/tg/bv/music/farm-aid-2013/farm-aid-2013-179.jpg
  9. Wow can see the smoke...great detail and thanks for the detail..any of Toad...I am a sucker for them and love their new album.
  10. I went to record a document at a county courthouse and they refused my payment which was cash (in $20's). They said check or money order I said cash is legal tender you must accept it. 45 minutes later they took my cash.
  11. My crazy concert run starts tonight with the Pet Shop Boys Friday Sigur Ros Saturday Stereophonics (maybe) Monday Travis Friday Atoms For Peace Tue Tame Impala/Flaming Lips
  12. Just saw Depeche Mode...I think I am the only person here who likes this band right??
  13. Cool...I will see them one day..hopefully!
  14. Great drummer and nice dude. He had collapsed at a show a few years ago and turns out he had an aneurysm... love the charlatans sad news!
  15. So I finally did it! I saw a show at Red Rocks..Loved loved loved the scenry. Thought the amputheter had a great set up, nice museum with restaraunt. Seating was good and spacious with room to move around! The Bad! Parking wowza! I didn't know where to go so was at what seemed the lowest parking lot! Yikes I am out of shape. During the opener and before the show I watched the storms in the distance. By the 3rd song of Steely Dans set torrential downpour. Worst I have expierence in my 20 years of live shows. I ended up watching 5 or so songs inside the museum on the screen they had. The band
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