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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. At this rate it'll be summer 2015...I will try and pick something carefully...maybe I can align it with my 35th birthday
  2. Ha I can see that happening. I have been going to concerts in NYC since 1995. I keep a log too... I'm embarrassed to say I am up to about 925 concerts... Going to have a huge celebration though for my 1000 and will but anyone of my friends who want to join me a ticket for that show as a celebration
  3. Festival I count as one show.. Each tickets show would be one show I guess.. The question for you specifically is how many full shows do you see a year
  4. I live near NYC there are good shows almost every night of the year..90% of the shows I go to are under $30...I am actually looking forward to the end of the year as I only have 3 shows left and I will hopefully get some more sleep.. Seeing My Bloody Valentine next week
  5. I usually average between 50-80 shows a year..This year im in the 50 range. Sometimes it is great, most of the time I say I am getting to old to keep going at this pace but when I don't attemd a show I want to go to I usually end up regretting missing the show..vicous cycle for this live music junkie who has to get up at 6am for work
  6. Well the dork in me is very excited to be seeing They Might Be Giants performing their first album live tomorrow!
  7. Wow got to see him play with Gorillaz and at the Tibet house benefit wish I got into his music earlier! Rip!
  8. Cool. Enjoy! I see them at the newly remodled MSG in Dec.
  9. point well taken. I would love for the lips to just play a live show with their instruments and maybe some basic lights.
  10. whoops my spelling was wrong glosoli... Also Flaming Lips used to deserve it but their last 3 albums were bad...I still have a soft spot for their 1990-2002 output.
  11. If your up for it yt gliosoli and the Hoppipolla videos...also on this album one of my all time favorite songs andvari.
  12. Good bands too with great runs but still would put Springsteen above them..thats just me though
  13. Hard to say Greetings,Wild,Born To Run, Darkness and the River run don't deserve critical acclaim. I would put this as the best 5 album run I can think of!
  14. sure..Exit the Dragon is a great pop record however but I respect people not digging them
  15. Mic City Songs is ok...Get Lucky is a catchy song.
  16. Most would say Either/Or however I think Figure 8 is a good follow up..if you prefer more sparce acoustic songs self titled would be my pick.
  17. Back to back shows is always tough..I assume you were just seeing FF for the photos...well I guess then I'll let you know how the rest of the show was
  18. Let me know how FF is..I am seeing them Tuesday..love their new album
  19. Thanks for that..I made my own post about him and didn't see this bump...I am putting on some XO as we speak
  20. M Doughty playing Soul Coughing stuff again tonight.. I attended Soul Coughing last live show back in 1999 at the Supper Club in NYC.
  21. Placebo on their blistering 2 date USA tour!
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