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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. Maxwells in Hoboken is closing for good
  2. Got to see Beck Friday night at a small club in NYC play an acoustic show. If you never seen Beck acoustic it is a whole different type of show. I arrived 1 hour before doors and I was less then 5 ft from the stage. Beck sounds as good as ever and he dug REAL deep into his catelog. He Played a couple of Stereopathetic, One Foot and even something off of BANJO STORY..I am not sure he has played anything off there live in over 20 years!! The stuff of Sea Change and Mutations also still sounded fresh. He had a drum machine for some interesting versions of Loser, Sissyneck, Gamma Ray and Modern Gu
  3. I had all intentions of seeing Wilco/MMJ/Dylan tonight but another show came up I caouldn't pass up. Beck acoustic at Le Possun Rouge in NY. Place holds only a few hundred and I really dig Beck acoustic.
  4. I agree with Feed of Man! I once heard it live when they opened up for Natalie Merchant and it ruled! Blood of a Lamb is great too!!
  5. Sadly I agree after their second album... Mental Jewlery and Throwing Copper will always be sentimental to me otherwise.
  6. Awesome..I saw him a few weeks ago too. I like that he was playing some Sound Of Lies stuff when I saw him. He has also been on a Im not Americana Music kick. He mentioned he wants to cover a PIL album in the future when I saw him.
  7. Meanwhile also STP is touring with Chester from Linkin Park as their new lead singer!
  8. Back when I was a wee lad I bought Live's album Throwing Copper. A real solid 90's rock/pop album. It has some sentimental moments for me so I got excited when I saw Live will be performing the album live in its entirety in NJ later in the fall. Did a little research and then it hit me.. Live Replaced Ed Kowalaczyk with a new singer! I knew they didn't get along but now whats the point..not going to bother.... Could you imagine Wilco touring behind Yankee with a new lead singer... In my mind Ed is irreplaceable douche (heard he really screwed over the rest of the band finacially some yea
  9. I dig Belle and Sebastian, Franz Ferdinand, Travis and Del Amitri! Works for me! Also, some good beverages up in those hills!
  10. I was supposed to see Belle and Sebastian and Phish last week but both fell through..Im in the middle of a semi drought..seeing Ben Folds Five and Guster Saturday, August Im seeing Steely Dan at Red Rocks and September is PACKED! Got Travis, Depeche Mode, Pet Shop Boys, Atoms for Peace amongst a few smaller bands and Tame Impala/Flaming Lips in October! Really digging Tame Impala these days!
  11. ahh I figured many were talking about Bob Zimmerman and Jeff but ok...glad all is status quo
  12. After almost everyone railed on me for expressing my dissapointment on Fridays show I decided I needed a Viachicago break. Been on here for 10 years so I made it 10 years before I got the itch. I am surpirsed really by the response I got when I posted my opinon. I got called names and made fun of. I thought the point of the message board was to have a conversation. It was like a gang mentality. I was hoping folks on viachicago would at least have an "open mind" and respectfully disagree. If you peronsally loved and enjoyed fridays show then my opinon should sway you. Don't take it personally
  13. I stand corrected Wilco can do no wrong! It was the best time I have ever seen them! I'm done!
  14. Where did anyone whine about not hearing Jesus or impossible I think you need to get a clue?
  15. Well said! They might as well not bothered with new Madrid and kingpin last night. I just thought it was a tease to play new Madrid so early.
  16. Jw you always this obnoxious?
  17. Wow post the same video twice.. Funny guy
  18. I guess it's frowned upon having an opinion..ill keep that in mind. I assume in your mind wilco could never disappoint you? This is a discussion board, right? If everyone on here has to praise everything the band does then I need to move on to a place where I can discuss.
  19. I understand that it's an all request show. How did people not request wilco songs that aren't played often? I think it was a blown opportunity to hear some wilco rarities in my opinion. They could have done a healthy amount of covers and a few Wilco rarities at the same time, no? $70 for a day ticket to hear almost all covers doesn't sit well with me. If I didn't attend the show I would be curious to hear the show and I would have maybe appreciated it then but between driving 500 miles, hotel and a ticket it just wasn't what I was hoping for! On the plus side.. The venue is beautiful, town i
  20. Unfortunately I will not be here tomorrow!!!! Ps and the tease of playing new Madrid early was beyond cruel!
  21. In my 16 years of seeing wilco this is the only time I've been bored! Don't mean to be a kill joy! Traveled too far for all covers
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