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Everything posted by remphish1

  1. In 2017 with a final tour. Loved this band when I was between 8-13..not so much anymore but they did hold a special place for me for my prime musical discover years
  2. Im now in for Def Leppard...not sure if I am excited or not...if that is not all Reo Speedwagon and Tesla are opening?! So far I got: Def Leppard Steely Dan X 2 Counting Crows Putbull Stephen Marley X 2 Butch Walker ZZ Top Sun Kil Moon Mumford and Sons Weezer Snopp Dogg G -Eazy X 3 (Who??) And just like that no more left..thanks for playing
  3. Yeah tried for Sabbath too no dice... have a feeling the door is closing none have worked the last 10 I tried! Once this next cycle of $5mil is done to me it readys the ga voucers are worthless
  4. Get on it! Most are working now! Got Steely Dan, Pitbull and ZZTOP! HURRY!
  5. knotgreen thanks didn't see the note..I realized we have a short time to use it. In their language they say it allows up to $10 mil worth of vouchers to be redeemed. So for instance lets say you got 17 vouchers..worth theoretically $50 per voucher. So each person got $850 worth of vouchers. so that means about 10,000 folks should able to redeem their vouchers before the program ends. How many people you think got 17 vouchers? I would say hundreds of thousands. This is why I tried to get whatever I could get my hands on. I have a feeling not too many things will be added and all we will have is
  6. ha ha this morning there are 666 shows to choose from..every single one says no more voucher redemptions so now there are 0 shows to choose from! Glad I scored 7 pairs of tickets before this went down again. Made $60 not sure if it is worth my efforts but I still have a few tickets up on stubhub.
  7. I was at the 2011 Three Imaginary Boys, Faith , Seventeen Second shows..that was epic!
  8. sonicshoulder you got that right! Really should have offered 17 $50 credits good towards any purchase. ridiculous how the settlement has so many restrictions. How many people wont be able to use even one of them!
  9. Yeah there is tons of errors when purchasing...really maybe two out of every ten shows I tried you can actually purchase something..
  10. U2 you got SINKING thought right!? Can't believe how little that gem is played!
  11. I liked them in order 1, 2 3, Really liked the Disintegration heavy set to start!
  12. Winston if you can score Steely Dan in Florida or Pitbull in Ca you are golden lol!
  13. Good work Bob! I really fell they are going to pull the plug on this sooner then later (May 2017). As you can see how fast all the shows are gobbled up I am taking the same approach. They went from 460 shows yesterday pavilion shows to 250 mostly lame cover bands in secondary cities. You don't use them you lose them. I am keeping some for myself but was able to get about 5 pairs to sell already. Already sold my weezer pair lol
  14. Well I had no issues so take it for what its worth.
  15. Winston no issues (Why should you be able to resell them like any other ticket you would buy??)..ordered a few sets already. The tickets list the actual face value on the tickets. looks like any other ticket. Already sold some all under face so no issues here.
  16. I went to all three MSG shows.. highlights were Closedown, Last Dance, Dressing Up, Bananfishbones, All I want, Burn, This Twilight Garden, The Snakepit, The Hungry Ghost. Good run...I really wish they played Exploding Boy or 2 Late..I LOVE THOSE SONGS but really can't complain.
  17. If you don't want rolling stones send you a years worth of magazines make sure you opt out. If you opt out you might as well fill out your rebate form and get your check!
  18. My whole thing is use them or lose them..looks like they will pull the plug May 2017 for the free Ga tickets?..most will expire before they are used. TM is so slimy.
  19. ditty..I see your point but don't think that is happening that they are selling the addresses..
  20. Yes when you opt out they mail you a rebate check for $12.95 just have to mail them your ticket confirm and a form
  21. Ditty..I actually bought ticket for a live nation event a few months ago and opted out of the rolling stone and got my check. So far no issues!
  22. Ha ha! If Tm screwed me over the years I need to get back what I can..I go to over 50 shows a year I have no problem taking tm to task
  23. OK EVERYONE THANK ME LATER! So you can get 2 ga tickets for a show your not excited about...here is how to make money off this... For instance I just picked up two for Counting Crowes/Rob Thomas. When buying the tickets there is a box saying opt out off free rolling stones subscription. If you do that and mail them your ticket confirmation they send you a refund of $12.95 via check. Then sell your tickets for the show if you don't want to go. I can get approx. $50 for my two tickets on stub hub. Now I just made $62...not bad for a little effort! Rinse and repeat. I have 16 more vouchers so
  24. My thoughts too chuckrh!!
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