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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. I don’t want to rehash the whole Travon Martin thing, but can someone explain to me why he (Martin) is being equated to Dr. Martin Luther King and his importance to the civil rights movement?
  2. What is the deal with that one dude sticking his dick in peoples ears?
  3. Ebony & Ivory = perfect harmony, yes or no?
  4. You're right; I should never have started this thread. I apologize to those who were wronged by my thoughtless and inappropriate actions.
  5. I just read Zimmerman ran a truck off the road causing it to flip over allowing him the opportunity to pull the injured man from the vehicle. He is a diabolical bastard that's for sure.
  6. I think PBO had every right to speak about the Travon Martin thing again, the deceased being the president's son and all that.
  7. MI should look at selling Detroit to Canada. It's running at about a 50% vacancy rate currently and maybe new ownership could turn it around.
  8. I cannot attest to Mr. Zimmerman’s state of mind or his motivations, racial prejudices or superhero complexes, but the level of ineptitude displayed by the prosecution during the trial was mind-boggling. After listening to the case (unedited court audio) for two weeks I was even starting to think that Casey Anthony actually could have been innocent and that the state of Florida has some of the worst attorneys to ever practice law in their employ.
  9. I'm the racist attention whore, not Hixter.
  10. I possess a permit to carry and have for years, I find it quite humorous that people have the impression that CCW holders are all playing cop or looking for a chance to shoot someone. When it's quite the opposite actually, the majority of the training is spent on the consequences of having to pull your weapon and use it in a self-defense situation, always stressing trying to avoid those situations or remove yourself from the potential of having to use deadly force. One instructor liked to say, when you have a CCW permit you "lose the right to be an asshole". As to your conjecture, re: Zimm
  11. I need more information to make a guess on your hypothetical situation. What gang would Zimmermann be in, the Aryan Brotherhood or MS-13? I will assume Travon was in the Crips for arguments sake.
  12. Did you actually find evidence of this presented in the case or are you just continuing to repost misinformation to support your view?
  13. With the amount of traffic this board has seen lately isn't this like announcing you are taking a break from Myspace?
  14. I fully support common sense regulations such as mandatory background checks on children under 10 before allowing them to purchase firearms.
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