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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. "personal attack by a few regular clickish posters"
  2. Wait a second, N Sync broke up? I thought they were just on hiatus.
  3. Please quote your sources. Thanks.
  4. That Ice Cream Man song is a total rip-off of Gram Parsons.
  5. F.Y.I. . . . I just purchased another cd last night, I now own approximately 137. That may not seem like alot, but I do have an obscene number of metal/thrash/rock cassettes from the 80's, most featuring Dolby® noise reduction.
  6. Please, let's not mix our Britishisms and Americanisms.
  7. Nice.........Bit........
  8. And that's the hardest part. Today everything is different; there's no action... have to wait around like everyone else. Can't even get decent food - right after I got here, I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce, and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I'm an average nobody... get to live the rest of my life like a schnook
  9. You know if you are going to be up on a soap box about starting threads/searching, you should at least filter your search example. I mean come on, Now Playing, Ryan Adams, Icky Thump and New Spoon July 10th are not really representative of "threads you could post this in".
  10. You what's nasty, Hunts ketchup, thats what. Give me Heinz or give me death.
  11. [furious]Did you really need to make a thread for this? [popped a vessel/]
  12. Karma, sucka. - The Miracle Whip Crew
  13. Nice way to inflate your post count bit Gary.
  14. It's just like Charlie Brown and the football.
  15. Tuna on white, coke zero and a couple a heaters.
  16. Wow that is totally freaky. I just went over that on Sunday afternoon, this really does nothing to improve my bridge-o-phobia.
  17. Just be careful reaching for the popcorn.
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