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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. I just like the sound of both, the production, mixing and killer guitar tones are just about perfect for the genre. Do they sound dated, maybe, that is if rock your face off is a time period.
  2. Yeah, we had this discussion about a year ago (Master of Puppets vs. Ride the Lightning) and you went through and did a comparison track by track. I think you gave a slight edge to Master of Puppets at the time. I voted for Master of Puppets, a definitive moment in metal, IMHO.
  3. George Lynch sure could shred back in the day.
  4. How's that Otis thing coming along master of the internets?
  5. For the record, I ordered those five Drag the River CD's from Suburban Home Records on Sean's reccomendation, therefore I helped out old Virgil and the bands on his label (well one now defunct bany anyhow) and I don't really care for apples all that much. However if that Otis disk thing ever gets done I'd like a taste please.
  6. Back in the day my friends and I stole the remote for the jukebox at the local bar. Whenever people would put a bunch of money in and play lame ass songs we'd just hit the FFW button and skip to the next one. In high school I dated a girl who lived near a golf course, right off of the driving range actually, anyway, her dad would totally hype out when he saw a golf ball in his yard/driveway, etc. He was always worried about a ball damaging one of his cars or house. So one afternoon his daughter and I go to the golf course and get a couple of buckets of balls to do some "driving practice" and
  7. OK haters I was at the show last night, and like Solace was at the show at the Cedar Center (which totally rocked btw) and I don't see the big deal. Ryan played a bunch of great songs and was really doing the best with what was available. The band was tight and though the sound kinda sucked, Ryans vocals could have been brought up a bit, I thought the show was a bit of alright. Ryan didn't say 3 words about the sound, and he very well may have been frustrated, the only thing I heard him say at all is when he sassed the crowd about calling out requests and that he couldn't really understand a w
  8. you don't know how lucky you are then.
  9. Actually it made my legs shoot straight forward, luckily a couple of big burly cop type dudes were there to catch me and prevent a nasty tail bone injury. In the interest of full disclosure, they removed the barb projectile attachment and just touched me breifly (1-2 seconds) rather than giving me the full treatment. It was enough to get the point. I don't want the real deal. Ever.
  10. I've done concealed/carry training with members on the Minnapolis SWAT team, they have a policy that any officer using a taser (or mace) must have the device used on them so they understand the sensation/effects. At one of the trainings I actually had it used on me (voluntarily) and it wasn't so much painful as a very weird sensation, as you lose muscle control.
  11. "You old, she pregnant. Can't have a bunch of old pregnant bitches running around"
  12. Yeah what the hell is it with that channel, they fuck up everything they touch lately.
  13. Me to Jeff/ Wilco. I bumped into Dave Pirner outside a club, (I said excuse me, he said it's all right) Dave stole some of Jeff/Wilco's pizza at a gig (as documented on IATTBYH).
  14. You know who else is an angry Jew, Gene Simmons thats who.
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