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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. I will forgive you for leaving out the Mad Max/Road Warrior Trilogy.
  2. Actually that's the highlight of this thread.
  3. No, seriously. The ex and I used to do that as our gifts to each other and I just carried the tradtion, It's not like I have a giant family to buy for or something. My dog does get a few new toys though. If it makes you feel better, my Christmas tree is just an empty wine bottle with Christmas lights in it.
  4. All year I save all my spare change in a big jar, usually a couple hundred bucks. Then I go to the mall and pick a couple of names off of the Salvation Army tree and spend the money on the stuff on those lists.
  5. Simply having a wonderful Christmastime
  6. You've obviously been brain-washed by the cult of consumerism, try to stay on subject here.
  7. This would have been brilliant had you not posted the actual post, but a picture of your draft of the post.
  8. Exactly. I can teach anyone how to use a spanner wrench, sweat solder copper pipe, set a toilet, install a garbage disposal, if they have a good memory or take rudimentary notes they can go out in the world and perform those tasks. I can also teach them how to play a G, A7, Dmin chord, etc. on the guitar, but I don't expect them to go out and write a hit song or join Wilco as the new lead guitarist.
  9. Gates would be alot cooler in my book if he'd buy me a couple a lap dances. Just sayin.
  10. I'm sure he's afraid Dane Cook watches Last Comic Standing and will steal his material
  11. Go right ahead, after yesterdays performance this should be great. I think we owe it to Jenna to be supportive and nice to her after the abuse she took. That and I think I owe her a slushie.
  12. Unless you want to reconsider my slushie offer.
  13. Vera, he ain't accusing you of anything. Now sit down, and shut the fuck up!
  14. I'll occasionally throw in some Harlem Nights Redd Foxx material too.
  15. I steal all my stuff from Redd Foxx, circa Sanford and Son. No one really gets it anyway.
  16. I'm still waiting for my apology for you lumping me in with all of those other crass bastards.
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