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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. Mr. Buffet is also a huge proponent for generational taxes and inheritance taxes. Of course his company Berkshire Hathaway makes a lot of money by acquiring businesses from families faced with giant tax obligations due to the passing of the founders/owners
  2. Word, I had one the other day that was connected to my brain right behind my eyes. Dropped me right to my knees.
  3. In short yes, If we as a collective become responsible for the health of every other person in this country wouldn't it make sense that it is our duty to stop people from doing harm to themselves, sometimes we may be called upon to throw a beatin on someone in order to help them help themselves. Hell if we're all on a great government run health plan and their is equal care for everyone, I would hope some one would kick my ass if they caught me smoking or drinking or banging some hooker. What do I have do fear, I'm covered.
  4. Dude, you're gonna burn for that. I'm just gonna hand out those nasty generic peanut butter chewy things and those nasty-assed spicy root beer flavored things.
  5. I would support nationalized health care if it came with the right for me beat the livin' bejesus out of every 350lb diabetic I see getting their daily super-sized meal at Mc. Donalds.
  6. I got a threshold, Jules. I got a threshold for the abuse I'll take. And right now I'm a race car and you got me in the red. I'm just saying that it's fuckin' dangerous to have a racecar in the fuckin' red. It could blow.
  7. If I even remotely remembered who you were I'd tell you to PM your address so we could "discuss" this in person. You should probably make sure you insurance is paid up and that you tell your family you love them very much.
  8. If you can't differentiate between an attourney in Texas who sometimes frequents a Wilco message board and the President, you have no right to even access a computer, much less try to interact with other humans via the medium. Plus the dude went after the guy's dog, that's not cool. At all.
  9. How do you feel about Minnesotans?
  10. E-fight E-fight E-fight
  11. I get all of my information from internet bulletin boards, I just wait to see who all the cool kids pick and go with that.
  12. Can't we just start putting that stuff in the water supply, I don't think it reacts with flouride.
  13. Sad thing is I'm more comfortable with the idea of Colbert as president than any of the other (real) potential cantidates.
  14. The representative from Texas is correct. One word Mr. Bjorn : 401K
  15. Yeah well if Tom Petty stole your riff for Last Dance with Mary Jane you might be a little bitter too.
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