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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. They are converting the local Embers into a Hooters, I'm totally stoked. Why do you hate the Jews?
  2. Anybody here watch the show Deal or No Deal? 1. How in the hell do they find 26 gorgeous women and get them into one room without the universe imploding? 2. They breed these chicks in captivity right, I mean I've never seen them wandering around in the wild.
  3. What I've learned on VC this week: 1. If I give money to Greenpeace at a show I will be locked up by Bush and Cheney for supporting a terrorist group. 2. Shooting a schoolfull of kids and having it caught on tape then having it broadcast is equivalent to dying in and accident, having it caught on video and having it broadcast.
  4. Free Peltier > Free Mumia in as far as wrongfully imprisoned dudes go that is.
  5. Any of the Asian Saga Books by Clavell The Prydain Chronicles by Llyod Alexander The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis
  6. The anticipation fof your magical moment with Mr. Greenjeans later tonight is just killing you isn't it.
  7. I can't believe her lawyer, Howard Stern threw the seed into her. That's hardcore, plus slightly unethical.
  8. Can't you two just get along? Large jungle cats and piggies can, why can't you two?
  9. I certainly hope you can tell the difference between a person who is so passionate about their life
  10. Don't take this as a personal attack but that is probably the stupidest argument I've heard here in a long time.
  11. James Hetfield Nikki Sixx W. Axl Rose Ronie James Dio Ozzy Osbourne Steve Harris Rob Halford Dave Mustaine Charlie Benante Allison Krause
  12. You're alright kid. Consider yourself invited to the annual 'Island of Misfit Toy's' Christmas party.
  13. LET THIS SERVE AS PUBLIC NOTICE: If I should die doing what I love, i.e. eating pie and/or banging strippers or porn stars, and I should happen to have been video taped whilst in the act of eating pie/banging chicks, I wish for this video tape be released and shown for the good of humanity.
  14. Good luck! I'd suggest you pick up some really obscure piece of flora and quiz this dude, make sure he's on the up and up and all that. Sure, once we finalize the details I'll give you the scoop. Of course being bachelors I can't really say when we'll have any confirmed plans. But you are more than welcome to attend.
  15. Mr. Snow (Freeze) Miser, an homage to ction. P.S. How did the date with Mr. Greenjeans go? P.S.S. My bachelor friends and I all have a "Island of Misfit Toys" Christmas party every year, it's a pretty good time. Hussy's and booze!!
  16. If my love of pie is wrong, I don't wanna be right. Or thin for that matter.
  17. To recap: I find blueberry pie to be far superior in taste and texture to the traditional apple pie, don't even ask about pumpkin or lemon cream - pure mush. The only pie that comes close is strawberry (and French Silk of course but I do not consider that a pie in the traditional sense).
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