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Everything posted by JUDE

  1. I tell you what old hoss, I can just about picture me an old ction rolling around the country in a 1967 Toronado.
  2. I think so, I'm pretty sure that the Rat Patrol were portrayed by Astronaut Lego guys.
  3. I know this is probably pretty freaky but my little brother and I would play Lego Rat Patrol on Sunday afternoons because the local CBS affiliate would always show an episode after the 12:00-3:30 game. We could then re-enact the episode. Wow
  4. Its $699 for the 20" monitor version. I think I'll hold off until they come out with the SUV version so I can put a couple in my Escalade like the other ballers.
  5. I voted, even though all these new threads may cause someone to pop a vessel.
  6. If Gore can figure out how to get the cheesy powder from Cheeto's to stick to those trees I'll be right next to you gobbling up a couple of Blue Spruce.
  7. Take your sarcasm elsewhere Mr. If I had my way we'd throw out the Internal Revenue Code and just put a tax on thread starters, a internet use tax if you will.
  8. Yeah, that's the Fox spin on it. We can watch re-runs of that 70's show until that chick that play's Donna enters menopause but heaven forbid we get a new series.
  9. I started a RTT once, unfortunately my RTT interfered with someone else's RTT so I deleted mine. Now I just start "Ask Caliber" threads and of course the odd poll now and then.
  10. They cancelled Thief, Fox bastards. I did watch The Lucky Number Slevin on Friday though. Not to bad.
  11. Hi Jen! Do you know how they attach the "cheese" to Cheeto's?
  12. Hi ction! Do you know how they attach the "cheese" to Cheeto's?
  13. I wish I knew the secret to attaching all of that cheesy goodness to the cheeto. I'd be coating pretty much every food item I consumed in finger staining cheesy dust, breakfast cereal included.
  14. Caliber, I recently had a bowel movement that I'd really like to call stellar. Is that a proper descriptive term? Thanks, - Five pounds lighter now.
  15. To this day I still have this irrational fear of gorillas that throw wooden barrels.
  16. C-sixtey-six, Feudal Japan or Feudal England?
  17. How do you feel about Dungeons and Dragons and AC/DC records? From a parental standpoint of course.
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