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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Tonight, on a very special House: A doctor with a limp and a checkered past performs auto-fellatio.
  2. I think this is my favorite thread on the white sox board: http://www.whitesoxinteractive.com/vbullet...ead.php?t=93391
  3. Unfortunatley, Illinois has some archaic distribution laws that eliminate a lot incentive for smaller breweries to sell here. As far as I know, you can't but any Boulevard or Bell's here.
  4. I don't particularly like Cub fans, but I certainly don't begrudge them (or the fans of any other team) getting excited when their team makes the playoffs. I don't think that's the issue.
  5. Look how it turned out for the R... Hmm, but how much talk of Bucky Dent has there been in this thread?
  6. We are living in China, actually, as pretty much all these programs are Chinese. I'm guessing Macs aren't too big there. However, no Mac enthusiast has made a third-party port. That's on them. Hey, these are the days of Intel chips in Macs so get with the program.
  7. Hmm...any cheese that comes in a box seems suspect.
  8. My guess is that all playoff games will be available here: http://www.myp2p.eu/MLB.htm Although they haven't updated the listings yet. Programs like Sopcast and TVants are very easy to use.
  9. Tweedy's a Cardinals fan. If he's anything like most Cardinals fans, that would never happen.
  10. Peace Like a River by Leif Enger is one of my favorite books. Low key probably fits.
  11. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070930/ap_on_...vSlVcrENMqs0NUE
  12. Eh, it's no big deal for Apple. It's the copyright holders who have the say. It creates buzz and it's not as if there'd be a huge commercial market for a short.
  13. I think Kate could take Dicky D in a rumble. He's a little guy.
  14. I think it might come off. I always figured he had a wig.
  15. Cheesy that I relate to such a struggle through a pop song, but I've been listening to this a lot lately: What you got, they can't steal it No, they can't even feel it Walk on, walk on Stay safe tonight Interesting story on The World: http://www.theworld.org/wma.php?id=0926076 "They have been, for so many years, a closed society and many of the people now in charge have grown up entirely in this militarized society. They don't understand what human rights mean. Because they've been cut off from the western world...they're not welcome...for example, they can't send their sons or daught
  16. If people go to the ER for a non-emergency it probably means they don't have health insurance. My bites were gone in less than 24 hours so they were probably something else, although they fit the physical description otherwise.
  17. As of today, the Bears have four former defensive pro-bowlers injured with one out for the season. I don' think they'll do much this year.
  18. Some calamine lotion and my bites went away overnight. Golfball size sounds like a spider bite to me.
  19. Huh. This sucks. I'm tempted to post pics, but I haven't the means.
  20. Well, the White Sox may be denting Bannister's ROY chances.
  21. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dershowitz
  22. Man, someone thought of an obvious achewood reference that I missed. What is the world coming to? http://achewood.com/index.php?date=12042006
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