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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I remember a lot of close games in '05. The 3rd one lasted 14 innings--which can be boring depending on how you look at it. The Astros had a runner on second and were down one run with one out in game four, IIRC. Game two had a game-winning homerun by Scott Frickin' Podsednik! Last year was pretty competitive. '04 was like this one--lots of lopsided victories.
  2. Here's a good Brian Griese fact: he has a noodle arm and threw 4 INTs today.
  3. Well, I don't like to consume animal products needlessly. At least you'll make Peel happy.
  4. XRT's target demographic age is probably pretty high. They're not a ratings monster or anything like that.
  5. I'm with you on almost everything you said, but I have to take issue with you putting speed in scare quotes. When managers emphasize speed in the leadoff position--they are doing just that. No need to put quotes around it. They're using speedy players. Grit is a vague term and thus merits the scare quotes.
  6. That list is quite humbling. This made me go check to see if 1. They sell a big DVD box set with a lot of episodes (no) or 2. It's show regularly on the local PBS affiliate (only at 6 a.m.). That's unfortunate for parents of young kids.
  7. http://www.leesrazors.com/shop/?shop=1&itemid=100167 I noticed this one for only $15 (no, they're not paying me). Have no idea where you can find reviews on it, but the price is right and if they've really been making them for forty years they're probably doing something right.
  8. I think baseball manager success is harder to quantify than most sports. That said, I don't think you can write them off as irrelevant.
  9. They're finally going to release this poor guy: http://alt.coxnewsweb.com/ajc/pdf/gwilson....age_tab_newstab
  10. I wasn't talking about Ozzie. I was talking about any manager. I remember Bobbob saying that Girardi was "learning." That's about the most positive thing I can think of.
  11. Yeah, just call Cantera to see if they plan to show it. The Glen Art Theater might run it, but that's a bit of a hike from Naperville.
  12. You going to have a go at film making? (I have no advice, obviously).
  13. Why do you hate the environment? http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6597198 Just kidding...I have had some yucky lung malady for the last week or two and have been cranking the hot water up as high as I can stand as well as brushing my teeth in the shower. Now, if maybe we could get some universal health coverage in this country I could find out what's going on in my lungs, but I'm a temp and, though my company wants to hire me, they can't until I finish my time with the temp agency--about 5 more weeks till it'll be 90 working days. Meanwhile, they'll be charging a 70% m
  14. I'm trying to remember a good word you've said about any manager.
  15. Eh, they'll just have to invest more in graphic design to compete. By all means, different shaves work best for different faces and circumstances. Here's an interesting nugget I found after digging around on that shaveblog guy: While the "Tech editor" for NBC's Today Show, he pimped products that he was a paid spokesman for (Apple, HP, Sony, etc.). And NBC just kind of shrugged when they found out. 4 fusion cartridges for $5? That seems pretty cheap. I swear they sell 8 of them at the local grocer for $25.
  16. For a second I thought the witch in your avatar was playing a saxophone.
  17. So the other day I got fed up with my Schick Quattro. The second razor cartridge in roughly a week had become irreparably clogged despite my best efforts. I have a goatee and sideburns, so there are some longer hairs that get trimmed when I shave. I decided to do what I had thought about doing for a while--invest in a traditional safety/double-edged razor. I did some investigation and settled on a Merkur HD--which I guess is considered the standard. I also got some traditional shaving cream (in a toothpaste tube, not an areosol can) and and alum bar--which tightens up the skin post-shave (and
  18. Hmm. Looks like there's a drawing of a pyramid in the notes. And an arrow that looks like this ^ profit | | | | | | (picture an arrow pointing down on this end) loss
  19. Oh. I think I might have known that as well, but I'll have to consult my notes.
  20. Don't know any EMTs? There's a lot of downtime. Just like for a firefighter.
  21. 1. I'm not sure. A dude said he was rooting for the Rockies because they have a low salary and it seems like he took a lot of heat for it. 2. Um...well, championships can't be bought in the Sear's Wishbook, nor can you bid on them on ebay. However, it does play a large part.
  22. Hmm...this subject seems to strike a nerve.
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