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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. That's really weird. Serves him right for being so damn Irish, though. I wonder if the priest was sort of trying to be funny and failing miserably. At some point he probably decided to embrace the whole stalker thing, as it fit nicely with his desperation for acknowledgement.
  2. This is dumb. Talking on a phone or not turning it off in a movie theater is anti-social. Jamming cell-phones in movie theaters in anti-social because it's too heavy-handed for an issue of etiquette. If a person is loud in a movie theater, then have them thrown out. Problem solved. I'm sure doctors went to movies before. I'm would guess, though, that the nature of just what "on call" constitutes for a doctor has changed since the advent of the pager and cell phone. The flip-side to good manners is tolerance and not getting bent out shape over stupid shit.
  3. Billy Graham is an independent-minded Democrat. I don't know why he always gets thrown in with these other dudes.
  4. Don't know if he's still this way, but in the nineties Robertson used to be one of those new world order kooks who thought the UN was going to take over the whole shebang about any moment. Russian tanks in Arizona, the US is sending tornados to defeat internal militias, blah blah blah. I'm sure he sees Hillary as part of said order and has a vague conception of her as communist/anti-christ/whatever. You support the best chance to beat her if you think all that stuff.
  5. Folks on the White Sox board made strong cases for Tulowitski, Yadier Molina, and Helton. I don't watch Greg Maddux much, but I kinda doubt he's still the best fielding pitcher in the league. He's just going to win that till he retires.
  6. So my dream about Uribe came true. Only, they signed him for $500,000 less than the option on the old contract. Hopefully he'll be in better shape next year.
  7. Yes, that thought had crossed my mind. Most likely, though, the votes are completely arbitrary and the voters don't have much of handle on who did and didn't have a great defensive season. Lack of games didn't stop them from voting for Raffy Palmeiro a few years ago.
  8. Hmm. John McDonald was the best AL shortstop I saw this year.
  9. White Sox have to decide on Juan Uribe's option today. I dreamt that they picked it up. I hope they don't.
  10. Burning it back to a wav file is not transcoding. You missed a step.
  11. The Marlins could afford to pay Arod $30 million and not give him a piece of the team.
  12. As things go, this is not a real thing.
  13. There have been some ugly incidents at US Cellular owing to Cub day game + White Sox night game = all day drinking for a select few fans.
  14. Ha. What's with the potshots at the orange pets lately? First Barney, now Tommy. He was definitely the king of the castle when he had to stay at the vet for a few days. He made those vet techs swoon. Edit: Or wast it Henry? I see. The point stands.
  15. Hmm. That looks like a bad that might play 70's soft rock.
  16. Bulls look to be in another slow start--something they've done every year under Skiles. Ugh. It's gonna cost them in the playoff seeding. Well, assuming they aren't as bad as they've looked and they'll have similar seasons to the past two years. Didn't get to see the game tonight, but I listened to some of it as well as a post-game recap. Sounds like Tyrus Thomas was showing some of what he's capable of. Hitting some outside shots and whatnot. You can compare him to Ben Wallace and Tyson Chandler all you want, but neither of those guys ever had any semblance of a 15-foot J. He led the team i
  17. Same reason that people join cults? Misplaced sense of belonging and purpose? They really like seeing the American countryside? Free peanut butter crackers?
  18. There are many Baptist churches that are not a member of any official denomination or conference. Oh, I see that's already been covered. That said, this isn't a real church. It's mostly Fred Phelps and his family. They're a family of lawyers and THEY'RE usually the ones earning money from these lawsuits. Hopefully this will stick, but the legal basis seems somewhat shaky. Their views and actions seem calculated to make people assault them or deny their demonstration petitions, etc. Liberals, conservatives, moderates, anyone with some notion of respect for the dead and/or basic decency--their
  19. "We kind of put it to rest now." A resolute statement if ever there was one.
  20. I hate the hand-wringing that goes on when the world series/whatever championship ratings come out. MLB, far and away, took in the most revenue in its history this past year. Why should anyone kvetch about the state of the sport or anything like that because of the ratings of one series?
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