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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Merry Christmas, Scott Skiles. You're fired. Eh, not sure the problem was with the coach.
  2. http://abclocal.go.com/wls/story?section=n...&id=5852858
  3. It's getting a little late for that.
  4. Good for a 2B. Speaking of, where's he going to play? Off the bench?
  5. Jorge Cantu had that one really good year. You just need to juice him up or something.
  6. I guess on the weekly radio show on the flagship station they were talking about him as a middle infielder. It seems like the starting SS role is already taken. I guess he'll compete for the starting 2b job with Richar and may end up as utility player. The signing was only for $1 million per or something like that, so I guess the demand wasn't too high for him (he did talk with several other teams).
  7. White Sox reportedly sign 26 year-old Cuban star Alexi Ramriez to a four-year deal. He's played 2b, SS, and all three outfield positions.
  8. I knew what you meant. I was just hoping to have some homosexually-themed Chuck Norris list items. Possibilities abound.
  9. Chuck Norris never catches and always pitches? That sort of thing? I must've missed those lists.
  10. Baseball has the strongest union, but there's no union for minor league players. If you're a stud athlete, then I would think the propsect of a big NBA rookie contract (which is guaranteed as opposed to the NFL) would be the most attractive.
  11. ::flies in with a peace cape:: ::fixes flagpole into the ground, raises sparkling tighty whities to the top of the pole::
  12. Well, I'm sure they've got a lot of good will reserved with their fans. You might have a point, though.
  13. I've heard that the Pats are shopping that pick so they can get more picks further down. That seems likely to fit their organizational style.
  14. Still wondering if anyone else on VC has seen Southland Tales, which might be wonderful. Talk me through this, people. I'm thinking yes.
  15. It's seems like it's incentivizing (sic? word?) masking agents further. Eh.
  16. This thread has been moved from the random nonsense section to the random sense section. I don't remember if I saw any good new movies this year. Oh yeah, I liked Southland Tales. Heh.
  17. Didn't he say he was really embarassed by the original mega-contract he signed? It seems a bit calculated.
  18. Hmm. I wonder if/when this will be up on emusic. It seems like they pre-release a lot of stuff there.
  19. Just listen to it, people. You can do it. I believe in you. It's a really good song and not in an ironic way. I trust you to cut through some message board shenanigans and listen to this damn good song.
  20. I agree. The assumption is that one will inevitably lead to the other, but that's on those burning CD files from MP3s.
  21. The White Sox should've just gone after Andruw Jones in the first place. They didn't make an offer because "they were looking for high OBP guys". What, like Toriiiii Hunter? Give me a break. Some reports say they offered more money to Fukudome than the Cubs did. Heh.
  22. I think the White Sox offer was competitive in terms of yearly salary, but they were only offering 4 years. 5-60 seems at or below market rate when you look at the crazy contract that Hunter got. His batting stats are nearly identitical to Rowand's and he's older. He's a better fielder, but not by that much. I'm sure there is much gnashing of teeth on the white sox board.
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