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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Kate said that album makes her cry or go to sleep, too.
  2. Well, it helped get him elected last time. There's that. Congress is going to go along with it, so it's not just him. There's something to be said for greasing the wheels. I don't think we were as vulnerable to inflation last time, though.
  3. The digital archive project only makes available those episodes that have not been made commercially available on DVD or that are out of print.
  4. MST3K fans PM me if you want an invite to a torrent site that has a shit ton of MST3K episodes--it even approaches legality. I will send out invites when I get home.
  5. That's pretty much it. America has inherited the puritan distate for sex and the body, but rejected the new testament's explicit condemnation of violence.
  6. Jehovah's Witnesses refused to cooperate with or swear allegiance to the Nazis. There's something to be said for the devout crazies. For more on the last part: For God, Not Country: The un-American theology of Stanley Hauerwas http://www.freerepublic.com/forum/a3b83226a7b60.htm
  7. You missed mormonism, which is way more popular than scientology (almost as popular as Judaism!).
  8. Are you frequently stalked by Christians?
  9. Keep in mind that the US gubment recently chided the German gubment for refusing to grant them official status as a religion. Hmm. It seems like they're entrenched.
  10. I said there are a few types. Robust black men and women have seen success in the pop world. The public is generally ok with that. Of course, Ruben has already been droppped from the label, fwiw (plus, he's not a bad looking guy and he's not a spaz).
  11. One thing's clear: for better or for worse they're going for it in 2008. That's both worrying and exciting.
  12. I think there is a tool to do this in Vista. http://www.microsoft.com/canada/smallbiz/p...w-vista-pc.mspx
  13. That's the least interesting story in this thread, but I read it all.
  14. Because he's pretty good. Injured a lot though, sure. Last year they acquired a bunch of young, unproven flamethrowers who all failed. This year they're lining up expensive veterans in the bullpen. I think I'd rather they stick with last year's strategy--given what a crapshoot middle relievers are.
  15. "And I don't know what to do/because there are three sides of you?" That would make as much sense as the original song.
  16. Sort of. Her criticism was that they only accepted the beautiful, "normal" people, or whatever. They seemed to agree with her, but I think they're unapologetic about it. The judges sometimes tell people to lose weight or whatever--it's not a secret that disposable pop stars (I think two Idols have already been dropped from Clive Davis' label) generally fit a few specific types. There's always a few eccentric contestants who tell the judges or the cameras that they need x or y type of person to mix things up. They don't really need any type of person other than the few types they usually
  17. It's definitely possible, but the inquisition wasn't during the early stages of Christianity.
  18. Do you have any idea what you're talking about or are you just guessing? I think it would be fair to question to the sanity of catholicism during the inquisition, but that's over so far as I know.
  19. Worse than the creation story (what difference does that make, anyway?) is the whole intimidation and stalking of their critics.
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