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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Kate said something about seeing Tom Petty's nipples.
  2. He's a little better at hitting, a little younger, and a little cheaper. Also, they offered Feliz more money than he got from Philadelphia--they didn't just let him walk.
  3. Yup. Who knows if those permutations are correct. Also, Lowry's ERA and record last year would be hard to duplicate. Check out his WHIP (1.551) and BB/K (1:1). I'm not sure he'd fare any better in the AL than Floyd or Danks
  4. I don't know what Rudy's endorsement means, but I can't see the Repubs nominating anyone else.
  5. Rumors out of Chicago and SF are that a deal is in place for Joe Crede to get shipped to the Giants for Noah Lowry if Crede proves healthy during Spring Training. Another rumor has Crede + prospects for Lowry + Winn. Not sure what the Sox would do with Winn. I guess he would compete for the LF starting spot w/ Carlos Quentin. But really, how many outfielders should one team trade for during one off-season?
  6. Finally a bright spot for the Obama campaign. Feb. 5 was looking pretty dreary. Polls had shown Hillary with a double-digit lead in California. The latest Rasmussen poll has them within 3 points of each other (with Edwards at 9%). If this single poll turns into a trend and if he can persuade most Edwards supporters to vote for him (hardly a slam dunk), then he has a real shot in California. http://rasmussenreports.com/public_content...dential_primary
  7. Essentially, yes. By my count, 44% of the Senate Democrats voted against authorization. 56% for. I was responding to the assertion that there was a time that all Democrats supported the war--clearly that's not the case.
  8. That time never happened. Something like 40%+ of the Democratic Senators voted against the war--and took big political risks to do so.
  9. They'll be seated if the winner is a foregone conclusion.
  10. So, I ran some numbers earlier today and Santana has a 1.96 career ERA vs. NL teams in 142 IP.
  11. There was a thread about this a couple years ago and a bunch of us took it. A couple VCers did well including Wheelco, IIRC.
  12. Hope they're feeling better soon, Kev.
  13. Anyone heard this? I heard a bit from it on an NPR interview and got it from emusic. It's really good. He's trying to channel Django Reinhardt.
  14. Stanley Fish: There's No Such Thing as Free Speech http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/AHR/archive/...-1998/fish.html
  15. Huh. I thought that they had released him. Must've just been DFAed. He had a hell of a good month.
  16. Bjorn is a newspaper man. I'm sure it came across the wire. It's in numerous papers worldwide: http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&ned=...tnG=Search+News
  17. Well, maybe some jellyfish victims like it for other reasons.
  18. What if their newbie democracy wants us out--nearly half the parliament signed on to a statement that they want the US out within the next 2 years. Now, the Iraqi cabinent and the Bushies are negotiating an agreement that would keep us there in perpetuity while being VERY CAREFUL not to call it a treaty (even though it is a treaty), because then the Senate would have to approve it. The exectuive branch run amok.
  19. Senate says: don't forget about us! http://news.yahoo.com/s/bloomberg/20080125...ijhc0PZqB6s0NUE
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