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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Reminds me a bit of Red Meat, which often uses the repeated panel sans dialogue gag to great effect. http://www.redmeat.com/
  2. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3262747 Colon to the Red Sox?
  3. Here's a head-scratcher of a deadline deal Cavs get: Wallace Wally Joe Smith D. West Bulls get Hughes Gooden C. Simmons Sonics get: Duhon Newble Marshall
  4. I'm surprised that a man of the people--a man with an insatiable bloodlust--has not been nominated. Yes, friends, I'm talking about Andrew Jackson.
  5. No Big Bart? http://blogs.suntimes.com/whitesox/2008/02...appening_1.html This happened with Dotel. They signed him, then he wasn't signed, then they signed him.
  6. I suspect he's toast and that either of the pitchers he's set to bump will have better seasons, but it's good to have insurance.
  7. FWIW, she did call to congratulate Obama last night.
  8. http://chicago.whitesox.mlb.com/news/artic...sp&c_id=cws White Sox reportedly sign Big Bart.
  9. A breakdown of some little-discussed policy differences: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0208/8573.html
  10. The Bulls have something like that http://www.nba.com/bulls/dance/matadors.html
  11. Ironic because he reportedly turned down more money from the White Sox because they wanted him to play CF. Sounds like they're just trying to re-invent zone rating, no?
  12. I wasn't denigrating your opinion, just naming it. I agree, for the most part.
  13. I always figured that the candidate that best reflected my views was myself. Given that I have no shot at winning, it's never as simple as that.
  14. Joe Klein, who wrote the Obamaphiles piece, makes the case that Obama is the best executive so far as campaigns go: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...1713497,00.html
  15. Hmm. This thread has de-escalated and escalated rather quickly.
  16. I have read some anectdote about "When I was young, my uncle told me that Jimmy Carter was the antichrist" or that sort of thing. My guess is that all such predictions have been long-since scuttled at this point. I know that he had a lot of support amongst what we now call the Christian right, but my guess is that the people accused of being anti-christs are often Christian and that the accusations involve them being a FAKE Christian (ie Obama).
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