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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Kate just said "now hit an actual homerun against that old codger tarhand bastard."
  2. Hank Steinbrenner is such a putz. The Diamondbacks have a +40 run differential so far. Wow.
  3. "You might want to do this over with better lighting, and then use it as your acting reel. You move well, have a good presence and a great speaking voice. You would be great for voice overs and commercials. Annie M"
  4. The Shods - Shot Himself Up http://download.yousendit.com/48ABFE93779023A8
  5. Kate recalls some variation of this clip being played on stage before their last reunion tour.
  6. Miggy Cabrera is playing first base for the first time in his major league career. He doesn't look so good.
  7. Why is this thread so stupid? Knock it off.
  8. Ozzie's leading off Carlos Quentin today because Swisher is banged up. He's really changed.
  9. There's a lot of reasons why E85 and biodiesel (the latter being not as bad) are so popular with auto companies and politicians. 1. Money for farmers, the heartland, etc. A great american tradition. 2. It's easy and inexpensive for car companies to equip their cars with the technology needed. 3. Consumers don't have to change much. I remember McCain took heat for bashing ethanol in Iowa in 2000. I think he's backpeddled on that now.
  10. I wondered about that. I remember when someone had that as their handle. Seems to be deleted now, though.
  11. He probably followed the referral traffic that was going to his blog.
  12. For most of these you just mentioned their actual occupations at one time or another.
  13. http://www.nme.com/news/guns-n-roses/35812
  14. Skyflynn may have left the church, but he's still cool with Jesus.
  15. Illinois state tax + cook county tax + city of chicago tax + city blend of gas.
  16. Around $3.45-49 in the Chicago burbs. I try to ride my bike to work once or twice a week. Eh.
  17. I think Ozzie is getting better. I was really worried about some of the things he said in spring training, but he seems to be making better lineup choices and losing his fascination with the wispy fast guys who can't hit. The word "Moneyball" crossed AJ Pierzynski's lips the other day. http://chicagosports.chicagotribune.com/sp...1,2858616.story
  18. Calipari said they tried to, but Collins got away. I somehow snuck past Lammy because I picked the final score fairly closely. I always pick Kansas, though.
  19. I think the Tigers will come back and be competitive at least. If their losing streak continues, though, they're going to make it hard on themselves. I mean, if they lose 10 in a row, it will be a pretty steep hill to climb--they'll have to go something like 95-57 (.625) from there on out to win the thing.
  20. And he drops the ball....triple post.
  21. The man-love for Carlos Quentin amongst White Sox fans is growing fast. Good fielder, canon for an arm, great minor league numbers, patient at the plate, Jose Canseco corkscrew swing (hopefully no juice), and a lot of power. Ozzie is out of his mind if he even thinks about benching this guy in favor of Jerry Freaking Owens.
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