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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Well, there is certainly some south-bashing on here, but I didn't think Cornbread Chow's comment was. In fact, I think he lives in Texas or something--sort of the south. I grew up in the evangelical vatican and I remember kids talking about how the EU represented the 11 toes of the beast and one would be loppped off or some such nonsense. Most of those kids are politically liberal, "emergent church" types now. But people said Jimmy Carter was the antichrist. The interpretation of the Book of Revelation is usually pretty wild and random (not sure how it could be interpreted literally, tre
  2. It's some weird quirk in the rules. It's not a traditional no trade, it's just an automatic thing based on his contract status.
  3. Not to totally hijack the thread (well, maybe), but I have heard he may be the most sought-after free agent QB this off-season. Oy. So there's no one better to sign.
  4. I thought he quit a few months ago. Looks plenty healthy to me.
  5. I once stood next to Barack Obama and I did not feel a chill, I did not see an aura of evil, but I did think "man that dude is skinny."
  6. And then realclearpolitics changes their headline to "Obama wins Virginia Easily" before any of the precincts have come in.
  7. Exit polls in VA look good for Hill so far. Not that she's going to win, but she might keep it close enough that Obama doesn't get a huge delegate differential there (poll had shown him leading by ~18%).
  8. Well, look, there's reason for skepticism here. They gave the detainees the right to challenge their incacerations. The defense lawyers in said challenges have said that the hearings are a sham--apparently the military will even pull them off if they're doing too good of a job. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.p...toryId=15783244 All Things Considered, October 30, 2007
  9. In a lecture on the Call for the Abolition of War http://www.idst.vt.edu/religious/pdfs/AbolitionofWar.pdf that he wrote with Enda McDonagh, Stanley Hauerwas said "I'm sure that George Bush is a sincere Christian--which goes to show how little sincerity has to do with Christianity." I'm not entirely sure what that means, but I like it.
  10. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/10/opinion/10devine.html Superdelegates, Back Off
  11. Obama wins Maine. He should win everything till Texas, now. I thought Virginia would be close, but he's way ahead in the polls there.
  12. I read somewhere that Hillary would be fine if she got a respectable 35% in these states. That's not happening. Obama's going to get a big delegate differential today.
  13. I liked it! There's a lot of talk about it in this U2 thread: http://forums.viachicago.org/index.php?sho...29119&st=40
  14. 1. The Bulls look like idiots for not getting a Kobe trade done. 2. The Bulls look like idiots for not getting the Gasol trade done before that. Surely they could've offered a better deal than the Lakers--if they were willing to part with a draft picks. I'd like to review the post I made about Tyrus Thomas before the season: This was totally wrong--except the 70% free throw thing (I will pat myself on the back for predicting a 10 point increase in free throw shooting). He hasn't gotten enough playing time to develop more, though.
  15. Sorry to divert from actual issues to the horse race, but the next few states look strong for Obama Washington 02/09 97 Louisiana 02/09 66 Nebraska 02/09 31 Maine 02/10 34 Virginia 02/12 101 Maryland 02/12 99 District of Columbia 02/12 38 Democrats Abroad 02/12 11 Wisconsin 02/19 92 Hawaii 02/19 29 Obama should win the caucus in Washington, as well as Louisiana, Nebraska, Maine would be more of a fight if it weren't a caucus (he should win it), DC, Wisconsin, and Hawaii. Virginia should be close. No idea about the Democrats abroad.
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