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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. I have more to say on this, but it's pretty much moot now that the judge refused to grant an emergency injunction. Suffice to say this will probably backfire on HRC--no matter how instrumental her campaign was in the lawsuit.
  2. So far as I know, you don't have to pay any money to discover the true meaning of most religions. Most offer classes for free.
  3. Probably because there are numerous people running the place and there are no established policies for a lot of things--nor do I think there need to be. As an observation, Kate pointed out that you wouldn't have a lot of women saying "Sure, he's dumb and his personality is repellent, but I'd jump at the chance to do him."
  4. They came out in favor of the lawsuit. It doesn't really matter if they are the filers or not. It's pretty indefensible imo.
  5. That's possible. This is a track from this album: http://www.amazon.com/Ethiopiques-Vol-Gold...9005&sr=8-4
  6. No it was not. Are you talking about 2080? That is a good song.
  7. My comment seems mean in light of the actual topic : http://www.whiteknightbooks.ca/howIbacamef...00children.html
  8. Is that the fertility doc who was mixing his own juju into the pot?
  9. Without space: (creepy cover art) With space:
  10. Greater than. The alligator wants to eat the larger number.
  11. Well, that is, if they haven't started already.
  12. Hmm. Most things start in >15 mins, I reckon.
  13. The posts of the supposed scout on the White Sox board are getting pretty interesting. I like to think that my bullshit detector is pretty accurate and he seems to be who he claims to be. At first, his posts just included his scouting philosophy and his opinion of specific players (often that touted White Sox propsects were overrated). Recently, he posted this about the White Sox' last draft (the White Sox recently fired their head scout, Duane Schaffer. They've gotten virtually nothing out of the draft in recent years): http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...t&p=1559610 I thi
  14. I liked Cecil Adams' take on this: http://www.straightdope.com/classics/a4_225.html
  15. There were instructions a few pages back for getting a waffles invite. Really, the requirements are too high (imo) to become a power user now.
  16. You really think he got little in return for Swisher, for instance? Anytime you get another team's two best pitching prospects that's probably not a bad deal. What would you expect him to get for Swisher? Though I'm defending Beane, I think his legend is (rightly) fading a bit. So far as I can tell, the reason Oakland needs to rebuild is that they haven't gotten much out of the draft. The trades aren't really the problem. Though I probably wouldn't be too happy if I was an Oakland fan.
  17. They're in a rebuilding mode. Nothing wrong with that if you do it right.
  18. The White Sox are looking at Bartolo Colon. Heh. Whatever.
  19. Never watched The Last Temptation of Christ? My New Testament said that laborer is a more accurate translation than carpenter.
  20. So did you guys ever figure out if you work for competing companies, or what?
  21. The elfman goes to bat for Barack again: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20080111/ap_on_...TwG8H5h_Cus0NUE
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