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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Well, Ichiro and Matsui both had higher career OBPs in Japan than Fukodome did and their major league OBPs both went down by 10%. If Fukudome's OBP goes down by 10% he'll be at .360 which is good, but not great. Above average OBP + average power = meh for a corner outfielder. Like I said, though, he's better than whoever else they were going to put out there.
  2. Hideki Matsui hit 1 hr per 13.77 ABs in Japan, started younger, and came over to the US younger. He's hit 1 homerun her 24.81 ABs in the US. Ichiro hit 1 hr per 30.67 ABs in Japan, came over younger, and has hit 1 hr per 71 ABs in the US. Fukudome hit 1 hr per 20.05 ABs in Japan and will hit ??? homeruns per AB in the US. If his rate changed the same percentage as Matsui then he'll hit 1 per 36.09 ABs, giving him an average 15.24 homeruns per season. If his rate changes as much as Ichiro, it will be even fewer. Granted, his home park is pretty small. ~30 seems optimistic. They proba
  3. Jeebus, people. There's probably a lot more crime aroung Wrigley Field: http://www.chicagocrime.org/streets/addison_st/1000w/ Than around the Riv: http://www.chicagocrime.org/streets/racine_ave/4700n/ Just be safe and smart and don't get drunk in some place you don't know. That's probably not a good idea anywhere. *Notes that it's not a fair comparison because there are more people going to Cubs games than concerts--doesn't care*
  4. Oh, but these are two of the great pizza archetypes. I am sure you have had pizza in this style--it's not so much about location.
  5. People, people, people. Can't all our pizzas get along? Having lived in Chicago for most of my life I have discovered that people LOVE to bitch about pizza because it makes them feel like connoisseurs. I like New York-style pizza. I like Chicago-style pizza. Hell, I like a good many frozen pizzas. I certainly have preferences, but this doesn't mean that anything but my favorite is bad. I am not concerned with what is "real" pizza and what isn't--only with whether it tastes good. That's all there is to it, right? Here is the deal with Imo's. It is very different than most pizza. T
  6. Tank Johnson is pretty good. I'm not sure how much better, if at all, he's better than Anthony Adams and Darwin Walker. It's fun to pin the blame on something like that, but it's more along the lines of the two best players on the Bears' D being injured (Harris and Urlacher), and two of their best defensive backs (Vasher and Brown) being out. I mean, last year Johnson was pretty far down on the list as far as best Bears defenders--the aforementioned and Tillman, Ogunleye, Alex Brown, Mark Anderson, and Lance Briggs are all better and more important. Not to mention, Dalllas was plenty good
  7. http://achewood.com/index.php?date=05162002
  8. This vegetable soup from the More With Less Cookbook has pretty simple/cheap ingredients Heat 3 T. vegetable oil in heavy oil Add 3 medium carrots, sliced 2 medium onions, sliced 1 or 2 stalks celery, sliced 1 to 2 c. shredded cabbage 1/4 c. chopped parsley 1/4 t. salt Cook over medium heat about 15 min., stirring occasionally Add: 4 c. chicken broth (you could use veggie broth or water with chicken/veggie bouillon) 2 c. fresh of frozen french-cut green beans 1/4-1/2t. caraway seed Heat to boiling. Reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 15 min. or until veggies are tender. Dice into
  9. I thought that this would be the thread where crazy larry was accused of being another poster on the board. Ahem. Note: this is not backed by anything I know. I just thought that's what the thread title meant.
  10. I see, I see. Even, so... I doubt that they regret that trade. Well, let's have an exercise. Name some centerfielders past and present that you would definitely package in a trade for Santana. Assume that the centerfielders won't be paid much over the next few years, but that Santana will. Like, you wouldn't trade a 23 year-old Willie Mays for Santana and so-on.
  11. They got rid of Hanley Ramirez to get Beckett, and he's better than Ellsbury (and Santana is better than Beckett).
  12. I was at that game. I was not planning to be there. Strange, but nice set of circumstances. Too bad they couldn't hold on.
  13. It's not quite fair, because in addition Barry playing fewer regular-season games, they didn't count his bowl game stats.
  14. No, it just says they better schedule a tough non-conference slate.
  15. Well, personality conflicts apparently (?) and Ryan Church isn't a bad player. Not sure how his CF defense is, but his offensive production is good for a centerfielder and meh for a corner outfielder. I mean, his OPS is similar to Aaron Rowand's or Torii Hunter's--who are both going to make a billion dollars or so.
  16. That's not quite the way it works in baseball. Yes, he has been a highly rated prospect for a long time. He's only 22, though. In general, players don't reach their peak till ~28. He should improve quite a bit between now and then. There's not much to suggest that Milledge's ceiling is lower than advertised.
  17. It's a lot like every non-rapper rap song. I swear they all have the same shuffling beat.
  18. Thanks for the info. Luckily I had a screenshot sitting around that I previously used to get an invite to another site. I just got an invite to waffles--I probably was in the same batch as jonbama. I haven't registered yet 'cause I'm at work, but I thought I'd vouch that the email address does, in fact, work. It might have been full with all those attachments that the guy is probably getting.
  19. I don't think they looked this bad the year they started 0-9. If you make the well-founded assumption that the East is the lesser conference, then you can make a good case for The Bulls as the worst team in the league so far. They're right there with the Knick so far, but I bet they won't be a lottery team.
  20. I'm interested in what people think of that Yeasayer album. It seems like it's gotten almost zero buzz over here. I think it has a couple great singles, but is kind of eh beyond that.
  21. Well, I can't find any confirmation, but on the White Sox board during the Bulls-Knicks games the other day someone posted this
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