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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. PM and/or Wrong forum. Nothing to see here.
  2. Me too. The suspension is very cushy, which makes it hard to dig in on hills, because some of the energy is absorbed in the seat. It's really comfy the rest of the time, though.
  3. I've seen Pfleger speak before and I like him. Obviously he was out of line here, though--and he's said as much.
  4. http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/200...28/1070102.aspx
  5. Let's see if we can get A-man posting in this thread. I did not know that Aimee contributed vocals to a Rush album.
  6. I'd say that his campaign's explanation and the McClellan news have pretty well quieted that story down, as well. Of course, I don't watch cable news.
  7. I heard a few tracks from this. Sounds really promising.
  8. Are grandmothers known for their coffee these days? What is the world coming to?
  9. McClellan looked more uncomfortable than any press secretary in recent memory. He had a tough row to hoe.
  10. Well, driving habits are changing: http://www.dot.gov/affairs/fhwa1108.htm
  11. The polls for Obama vs. McCain and Hillary v. McCain are pretty interesting. Hillary does better in the traditional battleground states, but Obama puts in play western states the Democrats have had a long time in. Of course, most people figure that the Dem nominee (Obama) will get a boost in the polls once it becomes official. Obama and Edwards poll particularly well against McCain with any of the Republican also-rans as veep.
  12. You know, last year Aardsma was majestic for the first few weeks, then gave up 5 runs against the Cubs in 1/3 or an inning on May 19 and was terrible from there on out.
  13. Victor Martinez kicked a bucket in the Indian dugout. His foot went through the side of said bucket and got stuck, so he walked back to the bench with a bucket on his foot.
  14. http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?sh...t&p=1643573 Another update about White Sox front office BS. I'll just link it so you won't all have to read through it. Long story short: another guy is being fired for being tied in with this stuff and Buddy Bell will take over as the farm director.
  15. I think you'd figure Alexei has about as many XBHs in a fraction of the ABs. I dunno how many SBs he'll get--he's got one. I think he'd be the better choice IF he's playing.
  16. Matt, Like I said, Alexei has been playing well, but he will probably go back on the bench once Uribe is healthy. They are not expecting Uribe to go on the DL, but he has been out for a few days. That means he should probably return within a week. However, Ozzie is inclined to stick with a lineup that wins and they have won 6 in a row. Should they keep winning, Alexei could keep the starting job. I do think he is capable of outplaying Tony Pena Jr., but I wouldn't guarantee it. He was placed on the "restricted list" when the White Sox went to Toronto, because visa issues probably would've
  17. More dirt...he says that none of the three 16 year-old short stops that the White Sox signed were actually 16. The draft has a reason for sucking since 2005 (since Wilder undercut the influence of Duane Schaefer and had Kenny's ear). Also notable for MattZ, if he hasn't dumped Alexei Ramirez from his fantasy team already (though Alexei has done ok since he's been playing for an injured Juan Uribe in the last few days --353/421/588, but that includes some cheap hits)
  18. It's a well known fact that most of the White Sox farm system sucks. Well, here's one reason why. http://blogs.chicagosports.chicagotribune....r-dismisse.html Details up to this point have been extremely vague, but an apparent White Sox scout spilled the beans on a message board where he is a frequent poster... The Baseball America writer who has been over-touting White Sox prospects would be one Phil Rogers. Some farmhands mentioned include Juan Silverio and Paulo Orlando.
  19. Wow, Bulls with the no. 1 pick. Think the fix is in? I am sure that either of the two will improve the Bulls, but I'm not convinced that either is as good as people think.
  20. I Can't Speak For St. Louis Gas Stations, I Was Just Commenting On The State of Midwestern Gas As I Understand It w/r/t Ethanol And 89 Octane Is the name of my new book. Arriving in stores soon.
  21. Someday I would like to understand the Walgreen's assistant manager thing.
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