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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. He got thrown out of a lot of games one year because people complained and he played the part.
  2. I really like Manuel. He was hated in Chicago by the end of his tenure for 1. Being Gandhi-like 2. Underachieving.
  3. Here is the actual source: http://www.worldpublicopinion.org/pipa/art...02&lb=brusc What is biased about the study?
  4. My work is talking about letting us telecommute 2 days a week. I figure the day they figure out that we can telecommute full time will not be long before the day that they figure out that our jobs can be shipped to India!
  5. I agree. That's why I'm strictly anti-war, etc. It's not as if either political party has very biblical values. You're not going to find a candidate who bases his or her policies on the sermon on the mount.
  6. Young, self-identified evangelicals today are in some ways more liberal than their predecessors. This has something to do with a loose movement often described as the emergent church. While emergents may still be socially conservative, they generally place less emphasis on social conservatism vis a vis other issues than more traditional evangelicals do. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/poli...angvote11m.html I've been surprised that a lot of kids I knew as conservative evangelicals in high school (and I knew a lot of them, as I grew up in Wheaton, IL--one of the centers of evangelic
  7. I certainly see more bikes in our area than I remember seeing before.
  8. Calling Ayers part of Obama's inner circle is ridiculous. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/...1810338,00.html Frank Marshall Davis was his mentor when he was a child/teenager--and has been dead since 1987. That's part of his inner circle? Robert Malley is a mid-east expert and was on the Camp David negotiating team. He was also an advisor to President Clinton and has no formal role in the Obama campaign. He has the audacity to *meet* with Hamas? What's wrong with simply meeting with them?
  9. Usually drugs just get potentially less effective past their expiration date, I think.
  10. Look at the polling numbers for Obama/Edwards in Virginia, Pennsylvania, or anywhere else. Edwards polls like a favorite son everywhere. Wheeeee!
  11. So most of Clinton's campaign debt is owed to herself, right? Shouldn't she just forgive that debt rather than ask John and Jane Clinton/Obama contributor to pay her back? Does anyone care if the Clintons have 20 million in the bank vs. 30 million?
  12. White Sox signed Esteban Loaiza. With the rumored Bartolo Colon signing during the off-season, plus the possibility of Freddy Garcia--they could've had the full set!
  13. Obama/Edwards runs really strong in the polls. Youth and inexperience, Woot! I'm sure some of that is because Edwards has a national profile, whereas the other possible VP candidates basically don't. So that may not be totally fair. However, Obama/Edwards just does a well as Obama/Sebelius in KANSAS, which is something. Obama/Edwards also beats Obama/Rendell http://www.surveyusa.com/index.php/category/poll-results/
  14. Alexei had an OPS of .353 before he started playing everyday. Then Uribe went down in mid-may and now it's up to .712. Uribe was recalled from his rehab assignment a few days ago and has yet to see the field. Alexei is 6 for 8 with a homerun over his last two games. Not sure how that translates to fantasy stats, but I hope you've been playing him instead of the Royals' Tony Pena.
  15. It's these folks: http://pathtofreedom.com/ Edit: yeah, the same
  16. Last night my dad told me that he and his wife always felt guilty about having a lawn in southern california. With food prices so high, they've decided to tear out the entire front lawn and plant veggies. Neat! They were inspired by this family that lives in the same town: http://www.abcnews.go.com/Nightline/story?...3733&page=1
  17. White Sox need to fire their hitting coach or do something about their lineup. They are built to win now and are not going to get this type of pitching (particularly from Contreras) next year.
  18. Another thread that could be handled in a PM. This has been thoroughly hashed out in the 5/15 thread in After the Show. Moving along.
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