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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. The most prominent variable for COL is rent/real estate. No sales tax for those.
  2. 2 RBI sac fly in the Sox-Royals game. Outfield collision between the center and right fielders. I don't remember ever seeing that. Now we're going to 12th and WCIU's feed is all messed up.
  3. Something's up with that list. Anyway, the stats for that weren't kept until 1974, so it's going to have a bias. http://www.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20...sp&c_id=mlb
  4. Ok...I'll take that guess...I mean...the opposite! I hardly ever see righties pick off runners. I usually see lefties like Buerhle and Danks do it, because they can rely on deception. The spin puts a lot on the ball, but isn't deceptive. I know that Kenny Rogers is the all time leader in the category. Number 2 and 3 are both also lefties.
  5. Since we seem to be talking about all kinds of educational crap here, have any of you heard the story on This American Life about the NYC public schools' rubber room? Crazy stuff. http://www.thislife.org/Radio_Episode.aspx?sched=1232
  6. http://www.chicagotribune.com/sports/cs-08...4.column?page=1 Article about Ozzie's publicly-available email address. The columnist's experiment was pretty lame, but it was interesting to see that email feedback helped Ozzie go with the current lineup of Pierzynski 2nd and Quentin 3rd.
  7. I heard on NPR that he and his wife adopted a disabled son after reading that he wanted parents for Christmas. The other thing I heard him lauded for was sticking to his priniciples. Not sure that that's a good thing in this case.
  8. So does anyone else find those statues that mlb is hawking to be extremely tacky and borderline-offensive? Also, can I hear a word for John Danks, please?
  9. Adam Russell got his first mlb win last night. He got his second tonight. I wonder how many times that has happened.
  10. I just looked up his wikipedia page because I thought he was dead. Alive. Here's what I found, though:
  11. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3471189 I hope he comes back so that we can all point and laugh and guffaw and the next teary-eyed potential "last game."
  12. There's still new info that is unearthed. There's still a lot of dispute about what happened.
  13. He's certainly trying to win the election. The question is whether his rightward shift will actually help him. With McCain also moving right, it seems like Obama doesn't have to do much to capture the median voter. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_voter_theory) It's seems likely to me that his shifts are just as likely to alienate voters of any persuasion (who will may see him as disingenuous). I've noticed that a lot of his recent statements have been pretty inconsequential, all told. $500 million more for faith-based initiatives is not a big chunk for the feds. Agreeing with the su
  14. Clearly a good number of representatives and senators had their shit together enough to vote against the war authorization (40% of democratic senators, etc). I'm not sure what the point is of removing all responsibility from the congress. Sure, they had a lot of pressure on them and the vote was timed to amplify that pressure. Still, war is important enough that you better damn well vote on what you think is right rather than what you think will get you elected. Bush distorted the intelligence. He probably outright lied. A good many Democrats went right along with him. I see nothing wrong
  15. Are they Obama's friends or Tweedy's friends? I heard that David Axelrod plays a mean bass. William Ayers is also good on the bongos.
  16. AL teams (generally) are better than the NL teams (generally). Period. The consistent domination in interleague play provides enough of a sample size to reach that conclusion. That may change shortly, as the NL does have a lot of good, young talent (some of that probably has to do with NL teams generally having better draft position in the first round.).
  17. They both went 8 innings, giving up one run. Casey Blake hits a homerun in the top of the 10th. Alexei Ramirez hits one out with 2 outs in the bottom of the 10th. Dewayne Wise pinch-hits, singles, steals second, and gets knocked in by Orlando Cabrera. Awesome.
  18. Nice matchup tonight in Chicago. Cliff Lee vs. John Danks.
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