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Duck-Billed Catechist

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Everything posted by Duck-Billed Catechist

  1. Well, obviously that would be a concern. I missed that part.
  2. Different how? Infantilized? But...that's how these things happen Think about it...people have cell phones now. Violent crime is down. Eh.
  3. Um, not long ago. I'm only 25. And I would almost guarantee that my neighborhood at the time was rougher than those being discussed.
  4. I think you may have overreacted. There's no reason for them to lie, but 8 and 11 year olds being left alone for 8 hours sometimes isn't necessarily a big deal. I remember at least a time or two when my sister and I, around 7 and 11, both stayed home sick.
  5. The White Sox board is down. Surely flooded with wtfbullpen?! visitors followed by wtfJulioDePaula?! visitors.
  6. Glaus is actually tied to steroids as well. As far as Ankiel goes: where there's smoke there's fire. If he took it then he might still be getting it now from a different supplier. I was talking with Kate last night about how much better he's been than his minor league numbers would have one suspect (of course he's not going to keep up a .700 slugging percentage, but still)--she said "Is he on the roids?" I'm sure we're not the only people who suspected that.
  7. Oh man. That song really bugs me. Too precious. Too much self-referential crap.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC2QDShkQw0
  9. Jose Contreras has a no hitter through 3 innings! Baby steps.
  10. Back-ups and third stringers, man. The offensive starters played a whole series. Except for Greg Olsen--WHO INJURED HIS KNEE. DAMN.
  11. Ok, just kidding about locking the thread. Captain C. Monkeys should probably get the last word, though.
  12. I was rooting for Chien Ming Wang to get it because I think he's a good pitcher.
  13. This is the commonly repeated mantra, but can you base laws on morality?
  14. What is the proper foundation of law? Morality? "Natural" rights?
  15. She was asked again and actually put together a sentence.
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