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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. As I have great aversion for the ER, I waited, and I'M OK!!! The swelling, redness and numbness are all gone. I'm pretty sure it was gershon's generous offer to suck my toes that healed me.
  2. Barefoot in the garden this morning, something NAILED me between my toes. Now my toe is swollen, red and getting numb. Please send vibes that this is not a bad spider bite.
  3. Happy birthday cahtzee!!! I hope you have a wonderful day.
  4. Have a great weekend y'all.
  5. M. Chris: I finally got the new Lucero. Wanna hear it? Sarah: No. You do that on your own time.
  6. This is where Sir Sterwart's photoshop skills come in handy.
  7. My garden smells like cotton candy.
  8. I'm still waiting for the ScottHoward emo post.
  9. That is just not right Andrew!
  10. Dammit!!! I have a pressing question!!! OMG!!!@@@
  11. Well at least I now know what a "taint" is. It's a good spot, really.
  12. Traaaaacyyyy. Get on teh Skype now!!!!
  13. Anatomy days are among my favorites on VC.
  14. I was asking if I had heard that phrase wrong. Maybe it was bint all along.
  15. How could they grow any more! OMG! Sarah has no genetic possibility to have small boobs. She is pretty nonplussed about that.
  16. It's a tiny bat. TWO MONTHS!!!!!!
  17. I never drive with the chronic in my vehicle.
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