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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. I would do the floor and the terlet toot sweet, and do the other stuff after, and as you have time. You all aren't planning to be there forever right? Then less is more. (Do install a good floor, though.)
  2. Wow. Thanks, rghammo! Edit: Snagged it! NP: This is very nice, g. Thank you kindly.
  3. I'd leave the cologne, but I'm kind of funny that way.
  4. This was a total redo. If your bathroom has a shower and or tub, carpet holds moisture, ie. mold. Tile is the best...easy to keep clean. I removed three layers of wallpaper from my hall, using a spray bottle with hot water and a paint scraper. It was a nightmare, and I hope never to have to do it again. My bathroom had plastic tile around the tub, a kitchen cabinet nailed to the back wall of the shower/tub with 100 spikes, a window where the mirror/glass block is, a closet where the tub is, and a 1/2 inch slope to the floor. This was a big job. The vanity is an old Hoosier kitchen cab
  5. I once met Jorge Fabregas, and had to stand on the backs of 10 Hitlers just to see eye to eye.
  6. One of my old boyfriend's favorite things to say about nice women was, "...and she was a good woman". Let the record show that I once met Saint Genevieve, and she was a good woman.
  7. One of the times I met Jeff Tweedy he was all sweaty. And I told him so.
  8. Yep. That'd be about right.
  9. I read this..." the boy in my bed was warm this morning... Fabulous! Uh, barking?? Did everyone bark? What I would have given...
  10. Yeah. I'm pretty sure we shouldn't be talking about this.
  11. Good morning, Johnny! One more, since today is my Monday.
  12. Indeed. My brother and I were talking on Skype when we were looking at the Chap site. He made me read the copy to him in my British accent. I had him rolling. He said one has to read Chap with a British accent.
  13. What a happy morning place!!@!!! Think I'll go walk the garden instead. Also: Today is my Monday.
  14. That's what I'm talking about! Now I have a hankerin' to go. New Hampshire it is!
  15. My sweet lake lover... Sun's coming up! The Sac, which I have canoed more than several times. Skinny dipping at the end of the hike. Sweet creamy Jesus!
  16. I'm still wearing my hat.
  17. In Missouri, when you turn onto a dirt road to find a pee spot, you never know what you might find. Sometimes a handsome cowboy, sometimes Dromedary.
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