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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. In the car this morning... Me: So, if we get new bathing suit for you, maybe we can get it a little big so that you can wear it next year. Except that your boobies will really start to grow next year. Sarah: No they're not. I'm staying just the way I am.
  2. I'm kind of proud of you for not knowing that too.
  3. Oh baby, you won't feel a thing.
  4. That's sweet. Sarah would paralyze you wth her chi if you tried that with her.
  5. This may be one of the last summers for this, because Sarah is on the cusp of adolescence... Last evening we laid on the grass and watched cumulus clouds grow, and and watched the sunlight change. We were out there a long time, snuggling and talking. These are the moments when I wish I could freeze time. *sigh* OK. That's it for my emo posts for the day.
  6. I'm a woad girl, myself. For special occasions, Bear's Grease.
  7. I think you're handling it quite gracefully your own self.
  8. New chicklet? Nice work.
  9. I don't really know what to say here. He's an old horse. His owner did not appear concerned, but was a tad insulted when I said his penis was "mossy". And it wasn't like covered in moss. Like there wasn't moss dangling off of it or anything. There were, well, let's call them mossy green patches, shall we?
  10. I could make stuff up and share it with you guys, but my real life is actually far more peculiar than I could ever imagine for myself.
  11. "Mossy dick" became the insult du jour. Sorry.
  12. I may have to rent this soon. This film made a big impression on me back in the day.
  13. I spent some time with a horse this weekend. I scratched him so sensually that he got an erection. Then he licked me. His penis was mossy. Discuss.
  14. Cool as the other side of the pillow, baby.
  15. Very interesting. Really???
  16. I dreamed Bethanydear posted on VC this morning.
  17. I was naughty, and ate it right out of the container. The British have a saying..."A bit of what ye like..."
  18. Actually I have a pretty good pubococcygeus muscle.
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