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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Spoken like a true ninja. This is the best thing to come out of this very illuminating thread. Cheers, One Wing. The second best thing was TheMaker's awesome gif. Cheers, TheMaker.
  2. That Wendy is a good gal. Happy birthday Wendy. I hope you have a tremendous year!
  3. Can I hold it for you when you pee?
  4. Add to that cognitive closure and bias and one realizes that even the most rational and intellectually astute of us are limited in ability to even ask the right questions. The empirical limit of science is my philosophical starting point, not my concession. You are content to explore the realm of the material and you seem well suited to that. My exploration extends a bit further. It puzzles me why you would need to denigrate that.
  5. The empirical limits of science arise from problems with observation. There are sensory limits in human ability to inquire and answer questions about phenomena.
  6. He thinks mind and brain function the same. I do not.
  7. So, if you drop a radio in water, radio signals cease to exist?
  8. Which is exactly what I am trying to prove.
  9. The spiritual impetus is not a "thing" to be proven. You want me to prove it exists? Why don't you prove it doesn't? The problem I have here is that your lack of experiential apprehension of the spiritual doesn't have to negate my experience. Why is doing that so important to you?
  10. I guess I can hope that this political process if anything nudges even the most intractable of us a little bit further down the evolutionary path.
  11. I think this election is certainly stirring the pot of ignorance and prejudice. Going backwards? Only if you think those things were ever gone.
  12. I guess you missed the memo. Yes, I should have added that as he has mostly voted Republican in the past.
  13. I am of neither of those, but I have had conversations with both. Ex husband, multi millionaire. Deep conscience, fiscally ultra conservative. Drives a 10 year old Honda Accord. "The Republicans are squanderers and war mongers." My poor Evangelical friend: "Obama is the anti-Christ."
  14. Because You're Young came up on shuffle the other day. I forget what a great album this is.
  15. "Yeah I know it's an election year, but calling one of the candidates the anti-Christ is just intensely offensive to me."
  16. There is a saying among the single men of these churches, "I'm a bachelor for the rapture."
  17. Christian scholars are not preaching the Book of Revelation, but plenty of evangelical churches are. And holding hugely successful conferences on the same. Most of us are fairly insulated from this, but I assure you it exists with a much larger percentage of the population than you might imagine. And many of those folks are convinced of the veracity of Obama being the anti-Christ.
  18. OTSPHJ I have long wondered the percentage of true introverts frequening this message board.
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