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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Well, if he pushes hard on the comfort level of those in this country for whom race is still an issue, I won't be sad.
  2. Depends on where you live and who you know I guess.
  3. Strange fruit. My neighbor just now when I asked her if she voted: "If I had, I would have voted for McCain. You can bet every goddam black in Kansas City voted for Obama because he was black. No other reason." This is a woman 20 years younger than me.
  4. This election has done quite a bit to chip away at my deep cynicism. It's happened at the human level rather than the organizational level. If change can occur peacefully, now is a moment ripe for that to happen. That said, it's not going to take much to make this old broad happy after the clusterfuck of the last eight years.
  5. My prediction for random frequent illegal gunfire during the night did come true however.
  6. Uh huh! :wub :wub :wub Look at this map! Obama won in only 8 counties out of 115, but looks to have lost the the state by a mere 6000 votes. (My prediction most probably did not come true, but still.) I went to bed pretty early, but Sarah came in at about 10 and said in the same voice she used on Christmas morning when Santa had come, "Mama, Barack Obama is our president. :wub"
  7. I waited in the longest voting line I've ever seen. People were waiting 2 hours, but after 30 minutes I went to the head of the line because my name started with A - D. Some of the polling place church ladies were having a bake sale and I bought a baby rhubarb pie.
  8. Sarah was hoping for a 3 hour wait when she went at 7 with her dad. That's the time limit her school is giving as an excused tardy today.
  9. Turnout in this town is going to be off the charts, and I'm really not that fond of standing in line. Vote your conscience, Willie.
  10. ^ This. These past months on the VC round table have been so interesting and I have actually learned some stuff. Thanks everyone! I'm still predicting Missouri will be Obama's at the end of the day. I'm voting early.
  11. Last night: M. (hris: I wish I could watch the returns with you Tuesday. viatroy: That's something I just have to do by myself.
  12. Hey! I have actually met all three of the birthday people. I might have just seen dwalrus at a distance though. Happy birthday!
  13. Do people really do this? I wish my body would comply.
  14. Nice! I was just having some high school lust for Bowie today. Pretty much every day actually. Where the eff did this thread come from again? Oy.
  15. The heady pheromonal fragrance during foreplay.
  16. Regardless her ambitions, Sarah Palin's 15 minutes are just about up.
  17. After listening to her new ep last night, Pieta's smoky voice voice seems the perfect compliment to the late autumn. Now:
  18. Happy birthday Dan. I hope you have a wonderful year.
  19. This seriously needs to happen in this country. I would sleep ever so much better at night.
  20. It's like that here as well. I think the urban vote in Missouri is going to be surprising in it's magnitude.
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