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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. I listen to Bird every day. The last three albums (including Soldier On) are in constant rotation. There is that element to his writing that is orchestral, operatic, even show tune-ish. This album delves pretty deeply into that. So while the instrumentation seems a bit more straight forward, the compositions seem much more layered. Noble Beast hasn't pop-hooked me quite as quickly, but I know it will be spun as much as those previous three.
  2. The storm of 1978 happened the day before and on the day of my 21st birthday. My parents were to have taken my husband and I out to dinner that night. Instead, my younger siblings still at home were bowling down the long hallway of our family home to stay amused. My dad still gets nervous talking about it. This was how my hometown looked after it was all said and done:
  3. My sister lived in Watertown for a while. It may have been what finally put her over the edge.
  4. I'm thinking it's Kelly Hogan doing most of the vocal harmonies on Noble Beast.
  5. Snagged 2 ga tickets for one of my favorite tiny venues to see shows. Who woulda thunk the opportunity to see live music would be such a great motivator for maintaining grades for a 12 year old girl. Woot!
  6. Three of my favorite people in the whole wide world. Wish I was taking the Troy to Portland roadtrip today. (I hope Bad Kitty has a warm spot!) Timmy: Chris, will you unsnap my pants? I have to pee. M. (hris: OK. Timmy: (from the bathroom) Chris, will you come help me get up on the potty? viatroy (rolling her eyes): Now he wants you as his handmaiden. M. (hris:
  7. Kansas City is plagued with ice storms. Generally we have a couple both in the spring and winter. Snow, not so much. The description of the trees cracking and breaking is chilling, made moreso by the silence and darkness of the city when the power is out. Add to that the blue explosions of electrical transformers and it's a pretty scary scene. A tree fell on my house in the last big storm, while Sarah and I huddled in bed together. Love and vibes to all of you folks northeast. Especially to viatroy, though I know she's snuggled up with a good book in front of the wood stove.
  8. PM on the way! Modern Dance was the first Pere Ubu album. I think Final Solution was only ever released as a single, but about the same time. It's on a compilation I'm going to send you too.
  9. Kind of interesting. This is a big fat rip and it is everywhere this morning.
  10. I fixed it with my secret mod super powers.
  11. So you're saying that atheists such as yourself are I can get with that.
  12. I reckon he is just about out of money anyway, so this is probably a good thing. Over the years I have thought about what it must be like to have been OJ after the trial. To have sliced off the head of your children's mother, and have to look them in the eyes. To be acquitted, but to live the rest of your life as a social pariah. And now to be imprisoned as a petty criminal. Yeah, sometimes karma doesn't smell like we think it should, but methinks OJ has probably been in prison ever since that night.
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