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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Happy birthday sister friend. I hope you have the best day and a tremendous year. Now, for some gratuitous cloud formations:
  2. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around having that many squirmers inside my body all at the same time.
  3. Every one of my literary friends have brow beat me about this book for years. It's a standing joke actually. Ok, ok.
  4. I'll take it from the bookshelf. It's such a slim volume too.
  5. So many of the books listed could be in my top 5 as well, so I'm going to add a few that haven't shown up: Out of Africa ~ Isak Dinesen Fall On Your Knees ~ Ann-Marie McDonald In Watermelon Sugar ~ Richard Brautigan Siddhartha ~ Herman Hesse Sometimes A Great Notion ~ Ken Kesey Easy Travel To Other Planets ~ Ted Mooney And two 'children's' books: Goodnight Moon ~ Margaret Wise Brown The Little Prince ~ Antoine de Saint-Exup
  6. ...all over the conference table and taped to the wall with masking tape. Oh I laughed and laughed.
  7. Have a wonderful day Mike, and the best year ever! Happy birthday.
  8. At 10:07 my time it was Califone ~ Roots and Crowns. I have more recently been listening to the wind, the train, airplanes, a few sirens and the yappy little dogs two houses down. (all apologies for the thread derailment)
  9. If I can see it does that mean I have special powers?
  10. Does that mean it's invisible or what.
  11. Hope you had a terrific day yesterday, my sweet. I thought about you as well, and was sending birthday love across the miles.
  12. *swooooon* ("That's about all a girl would need".) What a great day I've had, with many delightful surprises! Thank you all for your warm wishes. Off to yoga! Have a terrific night y'all.
  13. Yay Tom! Congratulations. That such brilliance should issue from kidsmoke is not a bit surprising.
  14. You guys keep posting in here, and I keep opening the thread thinking the record has leaked.
  15. Got these right before Christmas. Did a lot of research before hand. Man are they ever sweet: http://www.amazon.com/Audio-Technica-ATH-M...s/dp/B000P62ND6 I am (re)astounded at how much more nuance one hears on a good set of headphones.
  16. Interesting shakeup at Random House last month. Apparently Jon Krakauer's withdrawal of his book due to have been published late last year, and the failure of Dan Brown to deliver the follow up to the Da Vinci Code, was enough to put an end to Doubleday. Hope Krakauer gets on the stick and finishes Heroes.
  17. It's very sad that Teddy Kennedy has been so ill, but for the first time in 30 years he actually looked dried out.
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