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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Feasible? You are correct that a high density calorie diet is cheaper. Studies have shown it time and again. The lowest income families are the most obese. Americans spend less of their income on food than most industrialized nations. We consume cheap calories and get fat. Diabetes and heart disease skyrocket. I live at the poverty line and rarely consume McDonald's or any other packaged food for that matter. Why? Because it is my priority to feed my body and the body of my child in a way that nourishes rather than just temporarily sates hunger. High density foods create craving since
  2. I see what people buy from the grocery. I work at one. Most of it is packaged. A simple diet with intensly alive ingredients would go a long way in feeding us and removing the layer of fat that is becoming thicker and thicker. Described this way, the insurance model is philosophically 'socialism'. Christ.
  3. The problem with health care in this country is endemic, begins with breastfeeding and how we produce food (can we see the difference in two pieces of salmon, one having lived it's natural life and deep orange in color, the second 'farm raised' corn fed pasty fleshed) and ends with the political clout of the insurance and pharmaceutical industries. The system is broken. We are fucked if we don't fix this. You can politicize this issue all you want, but I see a cross section of this populace every day and it ain't pretty, folks. This birthday wish from my cousin really pissed me off: "In he
  4. Awww jeeze. Did it mention the whereabouts of his dick?
  5. kencoomerslockedinmybasement
  6. How? The most I have seen about this event is on VC. A guy came into my work yesterday and told me I was "missing it". That's it. Media is much more like junk food than carpet bombs. You really do have to choose to partake.
  7. Good starting point. Roots and Crowns is also a tremendous recording. Wear headphones. Califone grew out of the Chicago band Red Red Meat. Their third album, Bunny Gets Paid was reissued this year. Sin Ropas' Tim Hurley also played in Red Red Meat. While more obscure than Califone, Sin Ropas made one of my favorite records, Fire Prizes. I envy your beginner's mind.
  8. Oddly I arrived at a very similar conclusion while I was there.
  9. I listened to this and Ghost Tropic cross country over the weekend. Perfect soundscape to the wide moody skies above Missouri. and the only bridge I haven't burned is the one I'm standing on...
  10. That would be awesome. I told Sarah you lived in a 15 bedroom mansion. She is rather enamored with Chicago presently.
  11. Your 21st birthday only serves to remind me just how long I have been posting on this board. Happy birthday sweetie. I hope you have a terrific year.
  12. What a deliciously muscular sprint to the finish today. Also: I have no idea what LA is listening to now.
  13. Sarah and I actually stopped in Columbia for dinner on our way back from Songs Ohia two days ago. We waxed nostalgic for those nights. And inadvertently played disc two of Being There on the Illinois side of St. Louis.
  14. Oh baby I would so love to see this happen.
  15. I have done this at many Wilco shows. Sounds like a tremendous show. Keeping my fingers crossed for autumn in Columbia.
  16. A Simple Desultory Phillipic (or how I was Robert Mcnamara'd into submission)
  17. What arises from artistic genius stands outside of time and circumstance.
  18. This record sounded amazing; needle on vinyl, through a stellar sound system, on a private beach in Michigan. The production is rich and pristine. I had forgotten the pure joy of playing a disc of virgin vinyl.
  19. There are some records one never forgets the first time hearing. Sigh. I love this album.
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