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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Children who form their identity around narcissistic addicts see no boundary between themselves and the other. Psychologically there is no actual choice being made. I suspect that these things are the sum of her identity, even now.
  2. You're talking about an entirely different kind of wildlife.
  3. I live in Kansas City. Just north of the Ozark streams and mountains. This part of the world is womb to a vast array of life forms. The earth, streams and woods are home to more creatures than I have ever encountered in my travels to other wild places. I remember canoeing a shallow part of a spring fed stream and seeing hundreds of fish of every kind swimming beneath us. Plus it feels sometimes that I live a sort of magical life where in I get to see stuff other folks don't ordinarily get to. (While I have pondered the possibilities, I honestly don't know how the bird got into that drawe
  4. Ah, ok. I thought this first occurred when she was younger.
  5. Someone needs to point out here that consensual sex can only occur between peers, regardless their familial relationship. Sex that begins between a child and an elder, because of the dynamic inherent, can never be consensual.
  6. Money for dope. Money for rope. A parent that would shoot up their child is capable of anything. Nico did the same thing with her son. It is the ultimate evil of narcissism.
  7. This might actually be the first app I put on my iPhone.
  8. In my garage is an old shop with many drawers. I was looking for something, opening them systematically. I began to hear thrumming coming from inside one of the drawers. I opened it to find a giant wolf spider beside the carcass of a Carolina wren. The spider was drumming it's front legs to warn me away. I backed slowly out of the garage. A spider mommy covered in babies on Cloudygirl's house last summer:
  9. And I was just messin' witchoo. Plus I wanted to type luna lovers. And...well yes.
  10. One of my favorite all time albums with one of my favorite ever songs, Saint Behind the Glass. Only gotten to see one show, and David was very sick with a cold that night. Still put on one of my favorite ever shows.
  11. An enigma wrapped in a paradox. A human burrito as it were. If you will. So to speak.
  12. I'm not much for reading reviews of art before I experience it for myself. It's either misguided superstition or practice in critical thinking, I haven't decided which. Krakauer employs this as a literary device in most of his writing. I think it's a symbolic way to show how consciousness becomes infused with culture. The genesis of attitude. Post 9/11, I read everything about Afghanistan I could get my hands on. It altered my view of what had taken place. A clunky device? I'm not finding it so. Thus far he is weaving pretty skillfully.
  13. You can actually discern baiting in those posts? No wonder you're an admin.
  14. Krakauer has drawn me in... I'll report back when I come up for air.
  15. Finally watched The Wrestler last night. Mostly left me with the insight that wrestling and stripping are two sides of the same coin.
  16. This book has been a luminous exploration of the nuances of relationship. So mysterious how, without solving the puzzle, a writer so cleverly gives voice to the hidden chambers of the heart. These lines: The sea was as warm and welcoming as a bath. His feet touched the bottom, and so he let go. will be etched in my mind a long, long time. Now, on to the Krakauer.
  17. ^ I expect my copy to arrive via post today.
  18. I came up with a new record rating system for this album. First listen: 6 spontaneous goosebump events.
  19. I think this is the first album I ever heard played in my house. It was released in 1962. Still play it quite often. RIP Mary.
  20. The past week has highlighted how little interest the realm of celebrity, sports and otherwise, holds for me.
  21. Bummer. I played the grooves slick on Catholic Boy.
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