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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. Starting the car to take my daughter to school this morning, she shot me the look as Luis Buñuel blasted out of the speakers. Me: I know, I know. I really should start listening to other things. Have a tremendous time at the show. I have hope...they just announced west coast shows for December. If they don't come through the midwest with this I may need to book a flight to see my sister in SF.
  2. Clearly, you have not been to a lot more shows in your life than any one here. It's not about who are bigger fans. That's a stinky red herring in your argument. A GA show is first come first served. That's a pretty straight forward concept regardless the situation. It's protocol. You come early, you get the best spot. You come the middle of the opener's set you might...you might not. That's the chance YOU take. You're gonna cry foul and whine about a group of folks who were clearly there before you? Please. You need to get a grip. This has to be a bit.
  3. So are you daft? Have trouble with social cues? Or like a teenager or what?
  4. the words avoid my tongue/ a wish to awake picture-less/ to lean your fever up against mine trees are growing from our grave roots are tangled in our bones
  5. I'm still obsessing over this album.
  6. This is precisely what archetypal stories are meant to do... deeply stir the subconscious.
  7. The book is 10 sentences. I always viewed it as a beautiful and simple Freudian view of a child's mastery of the id. Max has a tantrum. Max meets his furies, looks them in their yellow eyes, becomes their master, longs for home, wakes up and finds his hot supper waiting. N'est–ce pas?
  8. Ha! Yep that has to be it. What a crazy looking ax.
  9. Because of the overall tone of most reviews it seems unlikely I will see this film. I am curious though why 'dark' children's films are inappropriate. Children's imaginations are rife with dark things. From the Brothers Grimm to Edward Gorey to Disney to Lemony Snicket to Tim Burton, child noir seem safe outlets for the id of a child. Obviously a parent would be the best judge of a child's age and sensitivity, but to say that all children's art should be bright and cheery seems to vastly underestimate the psychology of a child (I am mostly talking about the 5 to 10 year olds here). Matild
  10. Guess I didn't realize Big Time never saw DVD release. It's only the seminal concert film of the 80s. Well that and Stop Making Sense. Sheesh.
  11. After hearing Edie's boot of Wilco doing Ziggy, I actually asked Jeff to do it before the Springfield show. He said, "No, no, no."
  12. Ha! I am fashionably lat to the party as per. Oh and
  13. You know what annoys me? When Tweedy takes pictures of the audience.
  14. It's like what we used to call expando weed back it the day. The longer you hold it in the bigger it gets and the more it fucks you up.
  15. I can't imagine anything even coming close this year.
  16. I read The Wonder Boys. No connection. I know that occasionally the timing of reading a novel can be all wrong, but so many folks whose taste I respect love Chabon.
  17. Also, I ran across a blog the other day called "Books To the Ceiling", which increasingly describes my study.
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