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M. (hristine

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Everything posted by M. (hristine

  1. I don't get the Chabon adulation and it makes me sad. I did read Housekeeping in the early 80s. Remember loving it but have no recollection what's it's about. I should see if it's still on my shelf.
  2. Reading this thread, I am reminded of the Springfield show, where Tweedy picked that drunk off his neck like a tick. I was kinda glad that night that he is still a bit of a punk. That show unfolded very much like Memphis might have. People on the floor are only aware of the activity in their immediate vicinity. Jen saw the dynamics from the mezzanine. The band sees the floor dynamics as a roiling sea at their feet. The entire floor scene sounds like a drunken clusterfuck. I've got no argument with a bandleader being an asshole if need be when he senses stuff getting out of control. Things c
  3. He blew his nose in KC also, faked a lob to the front row and then tossed it aside. It was pretty funny actually. "Toss your snot to ME, Jeff! I'll frame it with tonight's set list!"
  4. The concept is so interesting to me. And of course the amazing music... It seems unlikely that I will get to see this show. Thus far they aren't bringing it within any pragmatic distance. Very much appreciate all for sharing this. a little narcotic warm on me/ what will I do without the weight of you
  5. Maybe instead of squandering fiscal and human resources warring in far away places in an attempt control a rapidly diminishing resource, we could utilize those resources in innovating, retooling and making cool stuff, then rebuilding the infrastructure of the place and bodies in which we reside. Just a thought.
  6. Just for the record, I didn't dislike the Stones at all. They just never grabbed me like Beatles and Dylan did, and I only had so much money to spend on LPs. Part of that demographic was being the first born child in my extended family. I was the older sister/cousin that turned on the younger sibs to good music. I was the one blazing the trail. My younger sister stole albums from me. I love these stories.
  7. Like Analogman said, it's hard to strip the culture away from the Beatles, and maybe near impossible for me. Growing up, I was a freak for the Beatles and Dylan, but never owned a Stones record. I bought both artists as the albums were released and proceeded to play the grooves off. So just like smells tend to recollect periods of time, albums from my youth accomplish the same. Don't know how it is for other folks, especially those that rediscover music at another time. I was only vaguely aware of punk music when it was a cultural phenomena (except I loved the Ramones. Go figure.), and wh
  8. We were walking during this and could only dimly hear, but I told Sarah that Jeff had to be working on his (post Farm Aid) Willie imitation.
  9. I just hope that folks will be so kind as to share a review or two in the After The Show forum.
  10. If Obama is smart he will donate the monies to an organization that works for peace and justice, day after day, tirelessly and in abhorrent conditions.
  11. I can be purt near invisible when I want.
  12. A beautiful memory burned...standing at the back door of Grinders, Sarah grinning ear to ear eating a folded slice of pizza (Me: "Where did you learn to eat pizza like that?"), the door surreptitiously propped slightly open with my foot and seeing my favorite song from the album waft across the mulch. Sigh. Sound check is full of surprises.
  13. I worked really hard to form that comment without cynicism. My first reaction was quite a bit less diplomatic. Strange days, these.
  14. "He's in in my room icing his balls."
  15. The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cHell No, Dalaiwww.thedailyshow.comDaily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRon Paul Interview'> The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cHell No, Dalaiwww.thedailyshow.comDaily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRon Paul Interview http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=113604856
  16. At Sarah's request Brennan recorded their set as well. I was blown away. Was that their last gig with Wilco this tour? I would like to know the back story on that jacket. I guess it was incongruous to Liam's usual garb? He said that he looked like a 'dork' wearing it. I'm pretty sure Sarah got pictures.
  17. Deliciously dark read of Radio Cure. Jeff's whammy bar got a serious work out last night. His lead guitar work seems much more muscular and prevalent this tour. It is edifying to see him play like that. Have to say that Liam and EJ played a powerful set. All I heard after they finished was echos of the same word over and over by everyone behind me: "Wow". Sarah was over the moon. On a personal note, I met yet another VCer who said, "I thought you would be taller."
  18. Recon at the venue this afternoon: Me: Is the show sold out? Waitress at Grinders: We thought we were, but we found 6 tickets under the cash register. Now we have 4 tickets left.
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